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Feature • July 1, 1998

Article • May 29, 2019

Anti-abortion laws are passing, and it is sending the pro-abortion left into hysterics.

Feature • April 1, 2006

Revenge attacks over depictions of Muhammad prove that war between Islam and Europe is inevitable.

Article • May 4, 2007

For many, it is no longer enough to drown conservatives out; the liberal, anti-God establishment is trying to silence the conservative voice altogether.

Article • April 3, 2008

Hugo Chávez is transforming Venezuela into a hub for nuclear terrorism—and no one is saying a thing!

Feature • August 1, 2001

The world’s largest economic bloc wields its power by double-dealing, lying and cheating. The public is blind to the supreme danger this poses to its immediate future.

Article • August 21, 2008

Russia invaded. Georgia capitulated. America waffled. Don’t think America’s other allies haven’t taken notice.

Article • January 14, 2016

2015 was a tough year for Europe. After two terrorist attacks and a flood of migrants, the Continent is now motivated by fear of radical Islam.

Article • March 9, 2023

Why is Washington turning against Jerusalem?

Feature • June 1, 2007

Article • June 24, 2020

They’re not as different as they seem. In fact, they’re two sides of the same evil coin.

Article • July 18, 2022

The radical left controls the nation’s intelligence apparatus.

Article • August 1, 2009

Britain wants to replace the Taliban with the Taliban; Iraqis vs. Americans; and Britain’s last World War I vet.

Article • May 31, 2012

It isn’t being widely reported, but violent flare-ups are increasing.

Article • June 19, 2012

This is why Israel should still fear Rome.

Article • September 3, 2012

Article • January 16, 2014

Last year’s warning comes to pass

Article • June 10, 2014

Russian companies prepare to ditch the greenback to pay for trade in Asian currencies.

Article • March 23, 2015

Chinese influence in Southeast Asia is rising from the seabed.

Article • April 30, 2016

All you need to know about everything in the news this week

Article • October 29, 2016

All you need to know about everything in the news this week

Article • December 17, 2016

All you need to know about everything in the news this week

Article • February 8, 2017

The former head of the Australian Defense Force says China’s military rise in the strategic region is almost complete.