Article • December 17, 2017

The threats of debt, Iran’s fight for Jerusalem, Putin’s victory in Syria, and more

Article • July 23, 2010

One thing was on the mind of most nations gathered at the Kabul conference: How soon can we get out of this mess?

Feature • March 1, 2012

Germany is on top, and Britain is on its way out. What will happen next on the Continent?

Article • March 11, 2019

Macron’s urgent plea for Europe’s renewal finds powerful German supporters.

Article • December 29, 2012

The eurozone crisis is allowing German leaders to reshape Europe into a superstate dominated by 10 nations!

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • June 2, 2017

United States President Donald Trump provoked mass hysteria by pulling out of the Paris climate change agreement yesterday. Much of the hype is overblown, but the decision could provoke a “harsh” reaction from Europe, as former German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg put it in a recent interview. Europe is pulling away from America and examining new approaches to unity. On today’s show, Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer examines the dramatic ramifications of this shift, as well as the potential for Britain to be taken over by communists next week.

Article • February 8, 2022

The EU wields its power.

Feature • January 31, 2024

The greatest danger of AI is the spirit behind the men controlling it.

Article • July 13, 2018

Recent events in Germany ought to grip our attention!

Article • November 9, 2011

German elites are working to legitimize war as a foreign-policy option acceptable to the German public.

Article • August 19, 2021

Calls for Germany to reawaken its military spirit are rising.

Feature • March 1, 2010

Confusion in the government is creating a leadership vacuum at a time of crisis.

Trumpet Daily Program • November 19, 2013

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has re-emerged as a serious voice in German politics.

Article • December 18, 2018

Prominent European leaders are pushing for a revival of the spirit of Charlemagne.

Article • January 4, 2010

The Roman Catholic Church prepares Germany for battle.

Article • November 6, 2023

When central banks start issuing digital money, the United States dollar may face real competition as the world’s dominant currency.

Article • January 22, 2024

As you watch Trump’s inevitable return to power, watch Europe’s response and for one man to lead it.

Article • December 21, 2021

An unorthodox leader rises in an unorthodox way in Germany.

Article • February 7, 2024

Europe is showing its authoritarian colors.

Article • October 13, 2012

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • November 9, 2015

Demonstrations turned violent in Berlin this weekend, as anti-immigration protestors took to the streets to protest Angela Merkel’s open-door refugee policy. Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg said the migrant crisis is “the most serious challenge to Europe since the fall of communism more than 20 years ago.” As Europe continues to struggle through crisis after crisis, more people are beginning to look for a leader who will be strong and decisive, and most importantly, have the interests of Europe at heart. Also on today’s program, host Stephen Flurry examines a recent study that claims the American dream is dead. Unlike in years past, when America was able to bounce back from low points, the latest trends show an America that is weakening beyond the point of no return. How can you personally avoid falling into the pitfalls of America’s declining society? Find out what the Bible has to say about this, and more, on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Philadelphia Trumpet

And of the far better news that follows!