Article • May 17, 2008

The Arab world and nuclear power, Putin makes some changes in Moscow, Japan thinks about getting spy satellites, and President Bush predicts Israel’s 120th anniversary.

Article • January 9, 2019

Yet another trade agreement excludes the U.S.

Article • July 20, 2008

Two great ideologies are set to clash in a mighty battle for global hegemony. That’s one of the greatest of signs of the imminent intervention of Almighty God in this world’s affairs!

Article • April 30, 2012

Reuniting with longtime friend Verne Orr, secretary of the Air Force

Article • August 15, 2005

Sixty years ago, on August 14, 1945, Japanese forces capitulated to the Western Allies, bringing an end to the greatest war in mankind’s history, World War II. Do we remember this history? Events today suggest that we do not, and at our own peril.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • November 17, 2015

The reaction of French politicians after last week’s attack compared to the earlier Charlie Hebdo incident is startling. “November is not January,” the New York Times noted yesterday. Beyond France, Europeans are upset and worried by the prospect of terrorists streaming into the Continent thanks to the European Union’s lax border controls. The mood in Europe is changing, reality is setting in, and this time around, things are different. Tune in to the latest Trumpet Daily Radio Show for more analysis on Europe’s response to these mounting crises.

Trumpet Daily Program • March 3, 2012

The ancient nation of Israel that came out of Egypt and the civilization that arose from Noah and his sons immediately after the Flood both began under the most ideal conditions. In just the space of a few generations or less, however, the people quickly descended into idolatry and rejected God. In this program, Stephen Flurry reviews the unsuccessful attempts of mankind to rule itself, and the necessity of Christ’s return to this Earth to establish a new world.

Article • May 20, 2011

Article • April 11, 2008

Vicious, senseless youth crimes stain civilized society in the land Down Under.

Article • September 15, 2008

Events of recent weeks have accelerated the resurrection of an ancient entity in Europe!

Article • May 2, 2006

Conflict is brewing over the future of immigrants in the United States. The outcome of the crisis has already been determined.

Article • October 25, 2005

Foreigners can bring more than just their luggage. The economic strain that a profusion of immigrants—legal and illegal—can create on a host country can be considerable.

Feature • March 1, 2002

Fifty years on from Queen Elizabeth II’s ascension to the throne, what is to become of Britain’s royal line?

Article • March 20, 2019

Violent murders are spreading through nations around the world. The Netherlands is the latest victim.

Article • July 5, 2019

‘Quantity has a quality all its own.’

Article • October 2, 2018

The next wave of mass famines will be the most destructive of all time.

Article • March 28, 2005

An alarming report comes out of Russia.

Live by Every Word Radio Episode • March 22, 2021

Jesus Christ showed His disciples how to keep the New Testament Passover, and He commands us to follow that example today.

Article • November 30, 2021

Will more commonwealth nations reject the British monarchy?

Feature • June 1, 2008

Global civil unrest over skyrocketing food prices gives us an unpleasant glimpse at what human nature can do.

Article • September 7, 2020

The museum pushes its founder off his pedestal—literally.

Article • May 15, 2012

The Queen’s trusted advisers are pushing her to renounce the ‘empire’ that brought civilization to a quarter of the world.

Article • April 23, 2009

Britain’s presence at the farcical “anti-racism” conference reveals the sorry state of its foreign policy.