Feature • August 3, 2020
Why would an American president conspire to smear the reputation of an American hero, overthrow the U.S. government, and realign the nation’s interests with those of the number one terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world?
Article • March 23, 2013
The president and Israeli intellectuals agree: It’s ‘no fair’ that Palestinians have no state.
Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • February 25, 2020
Article • May 14, 2016
Could the Bible ignore the world’s greatest superpower—or the most dominant empire in history?
Article • July 17, 2017
Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • March 22, 2017
The United States military has faced budget cuts and downsizing for decades. President Donald Trump has promised to reverse these trends and rebuild America’s military status to what it was in the 1980s. With an astronomical debt and a public addicted to government handouts, where will he get the money to increase military spending? On today’s radio show, we discuss where America’s spending habits are leading the nation, as well as other items in this week’s news.
Article • December 9, 2015
America’s ruling class is united against Donald Trump, but it is ignoring the one in power who is actually transforming America.
Article • July 18, 2018
A legal battle began in 1987 that put America on a dangerous path toward lawlessness.
Feature • October 1, 2011
The West still doesn’t understand how Iran rules the Middle East.
Article • February 5, 2014
A glimpse inside the oceans can help us answer the question about whether or not marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol.
Article • November 17, 2015
In the last 14 months of President Obama’s term, we could see more and larger pushes from Russia and China against global stability.
Article • April 14, 2024
Article • February 28, 2014
Americans aren’t interested in the world’s problems.
Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • November 19, 2020
Article • April 8, 2008
American politicians want Europe to take on more responsibility for global peacekeeping operations.
Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • September 6, 2017
Hurricane Irma appears to be on course to hit Florida over the weekend. It is the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean. Is the United States about to suffer another major disaster just two weeks after Hurricane Harvey caused one of the most expensive catastrophes in U.S. history? What is the cause of these unprecedented storms? Could it really be man-made climate change as so many people believe? On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss the real cause of these natural disasters and explain the hope-filled message behind why they are happening.
Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • November 14, 2016
Since the election of Donald Trump, Europe’s leaders have become much louder about the need for a European army. They see the need for Europe, in particular Germany, to step up to its global role and stop relying on the United States. Bible prophecy has a lot to say about the rise of a united European army. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry discusses how Donald Trump’s presidency is helping to hasten the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire.
Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • April 18, 2016
Pax Americana was meant to ensure global stability by discouraging other nations from building up armaments. The absence of arms races meant there was relative stability and a lesser chance of war breaking out. Today, however, America’s leadership is taking the opposite approach, encouraging allies to fend for themselves without American aid. This shift will prove to be catastrophic for the United States because it is based on the assumption that allies will always be allies. History proves this is a fatal mistake. To learn the outcome of this dangerous trend, listen to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.
Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • December 25, 2015
Experts believe foreign hackers could shut down America’s electric grid. The U.S. military is worried that the most expensive weapons system in history and the future of the U.S. Air Force could be brought crashing out of the sky by hackers. Counterfeited microchips—which could enable hackers to disable or subvert infected devices at the touch of a button—are spreading across the world. Anything with a computer chip, from pacemakers to patriot missile batteries, could be at risk. In today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Trumpet writer Richard Palmer explains how this electronic vulnerability really is America’s Achilles heel.
Article • April 20, 2020
The Democrats move further toward the left.
Article • October 26, 2013
Why would God declare that He’s going to totally destroy one nation on this Earth physically? Why would God have reason to do such a thing? What could cause Him to make such a prophecy? It is one of the most ominous prophecies in all of the Bible that you need to understand. It is going to impact you and your personal life.
Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • August 27, 2018
The pope, he said, did nothing. On today’s show, I talk about the recent sex-abuse scandals that are rocking the Catholic Church, as well as other stories like the deterioration of the U.S.-German alliance, U.S. President Donald Trump’s battle against the media, and more on the situation in South Africa.
Article • September 12, 2016
Article • November 14, 2016