Trumpet Daily Program • January 5, 2014

The former German defense minister calls out the Russian premier for his authoritarian agenda.

Article • March 24, 2022

An overarching leader is about to rise in Europe. This may be too late for Ukraine, but it could help fortify Europe in the future.

Article • November 4, 2022

Article • September 10, 2017

Baron Guttenberg is proud to promote German culture; should average Germans do the same?

Article • October 31, 2013

Was Guttenberg’s untimely departure from German politics a blessing in disguise?

Article • August 17, 2020

Will this redemption pave the way for his political comeback?

Article • December 24, 2012

How 70 percent of households were so quickly connected with broadband technology

Article • February 27, 2023

Article • December 5, 2022

He understands Putin like few could, but can Guttenberg stop Putin’s conquests?

Article • December 13, 2022

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • March 31, 2016

United States President Barack Obama announced yesterday that he would grant clemency to 61 prisoners. In his nearly two terms in office, he’s commuted the sentences of 248 prisoners—more than the last six U.S. presidents combined. Mr. Obama believes America’s justice system has made some major mistakes in the past, so he is eager to give criminals a second chance. However, his decision to release criminals—when there’s no way of knowing if they’re genuinely sorry, nor any guarantee that they won’t return to the same criminal actions—undermines America’s criminal justice system and serves to promote more crime. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry discusses this dangerous trend and points to where it is leading.Also on today’s show, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg recently had a lengthy interview with one of Germany’s leading news outlets. For analysis on his latest comments, check out the second half of today’s program.

Article • February 1, 2022

The way Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg speaks about the leadership vacuum in Europe may indicate he wants to fill it.

Article • March 31, 2020

It’s time for critics to be quiet.

Article • February 4, 2020

Desperation and division are growing amidst Germany’s political uncertainty.

Article • January 23, 2012

Cleverly manipulating the timing, the means and the method of his return to active politics

Article • January 10, 2022

Preparing for a future comeback?

Article • February 13, 2020

In light of the rise of Germany’s far right and far left, strong leadership is more needed now than ever.

Article • April 6, 2022

Warfare is becoming increasingly complex and dangerous. Few understand the ramifications.