Article • May 23, 2023

Eighty years since the epic World War ii raid

Trumpet Bookshelf Radio Episode • February 26, 2021

The concept of the New World Order isn’t just a conspiracy theory, as the last year has shown us. Though the Philadelphia Church of God rejects human attempts to establish a New World Order, only a unified world government would be capable of addressing staggering world problems. Learn the truth about the real New World Order—to be established and operated by God Himself for the good of all mankind.

Article • November 14, 2018

Germany confronts Islamic terrorism by expanding influence in North Africa.

Article • April 14, 2023

Article • January 24, 2024

Article • July 20, 2007

Shimon Peres wastes no time in using his new role to hoist the white flag.

Article • December 14, 2011

Even 26 is still too big.

Article • November 13, 2007

Berlin is mapping out legislation designed to protect its strategic industries. What does this mean for Europe?

Article • October 3, 2008

Feature • August 1, 2001

As the European Union assumes greater global power, a crucial element stands in its way: Nearly a century of British and American intelligence cooperation. Europe’s new independent defense policy and its determination to protect business within the Union demand that Britain choose where it will stand: with the U.S. or the EU.

Article • November 29, 2007

China sent a naval destroyer to Japan to prove to Japan and the world that these two nations have nothing to fear from each other.

Article • April 11, 2007

Russia’s president is reintroducing authoritarian rule in Russia. His repudiation of democratic principles is not affecting the support he enjoys from the West.

Article • October 15, 2014

Wouldn’t you love to have your ‘birl’ or ‘goy’ sent there?

Article • March 16, 2018

Russia’s relationship with Egypt brings back Cold War memories.

Feature • July 1, 2020

It is easier to confess to a houseplant than to ask God for forgiveness.

Article • November 9, 2018

Based on Bible prophecy, we know that these three conclusions are only temporary.

Article • May 17, 2006

The “moralists are alive and kicking” in Germany.