Article • February 15, 2012

The British government stands ‘side by side with the pope.’

Article • February 16, 2017

Iraj Masjedi is the latest indication of how Iran is dominating Iraq.

Article • September 10, 2018

Irony: Unelected bureaucrats say they are defending ‘democracy’ by actively undermining the man the people elected to be president.

Article • December 19, 2018

Approval of strategic and economic agreements between the two are pushing ‘tariff man’ further off the world stage.

Article • April 19, 2021

What the election of Guillermo Lasso as president could mean for the country

Article • May 6, 2024

The people of the former Soviet republic are terrified of becoming the next Ukraine.

Feature • July 1, 1999

One day, the violence will end!

Article • March 18, 2016

Political economist Rodney Atkinson explains why Britain should vote to leave the European Union on June 23.

Article • June 2, 2022

A dark cloud hangs over the royal family, but God has a plan to preserve the greatest dynasty in the world!

Feature • October 1, 2006

The continual loss of ownership of the companies that helped make Britain great is a sad reminder of this nation’s fall from superpower status.

Article • June 19, 2013

What the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s successor means for Iranian politics.

Article • November 1, 2017

What does the Islamic State’s loss of territory in the Middle East mean for the rest of the world?

Article • February 11, 2019

Iranian military leaders have announced a strategy that will lead to Iran’s destruction!

Article • October 2, 2019

The agreement will add yet another weld bead to the bond that joins these two Asian behemoths together.

Feature • November 28, 2017

It’s a dramatic shift in world affairs. And it won’t end well.

Article • October 30, 2018

How long before the territory is fully assimilated into the authoritarian mainland?

Article • April 30, 2021

‘It is said that Cuba is not a priority for the United States.’ Well, it certainly is for Russia.

Feature • December 1, 2010

Where global trade disputes are leading—and how they will upend your life

Article • January 4, 2023

A review of the most important coverage news outlets have missed

Feature • February 1, 2001

We have entered a most crucial time for the U.S. and Britain, with new global alliances forming in the wake of the now-dead bipolar cold war era formerly dominated by the U.S. and the Soviet Union. At this junction of epochs, the Anglo-Saxon nations have lost their grasp on a most crucial tool underpinning national survival. They have lost their grip on history.

Feature • January 1, 2020

Some scientists say wildfires, floods, droughts and dozens more disasters trace back to carbon emissions. But there is a disaster far more important they are missing.

Article • November 9, 2012

As violence against Christians intensifies in Egypt, many Coptic Christians will start looking for a new type of Pope to protect them!

Article • July 11, 2013

One year ago, U.S. President Barack Obama voted himself sweeping new powers over American citizens’ private communications.