Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • February 19, 2020

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • August 1, 2018

During the 19th and 20th centuries, the dominant geopolitical trend in the world was the spread of democratic free societies. The 21st century has been totally different.

Trumpet Daily Program • January 1, 2014

The liberal newspaper unwittingly reveals the fatal flaw in the administration’s foreign policy.

Philadelphia Trumpet

Half of them have already risen! One of the most important end-time prophecies of the Bible is being fulfilled.

Article • April 23, 2008

The heroic stand by the forces of Australia and New Zealand at Gallipoli has links that extend back to biblical times.

Article • September 17, 2021

Can we trust that the government will always use these powers fairly?

Article • April 23, 2016

All you need to know about everything in the news this week

Feature • November 1, 2021

Article • August 9, 2013

As Australia prepares for national elections, whichever party gains office must face the challenge of security and defense in an increasingly militarized Pacific region.

Article • December 8, 2010

Article • October 31, 2008

A former Australian prime minister attacked the watershed battle that put Australia on the map.

Article • July 13, 2013

Key of David Program • October 21, 2011

We named our television program The Key of David. We did so because this key unlocks the greatest vision in the Bible. Understanding this vision will motivate you to overcome your trials and tests—and rejoice as you do so!

Key of David Program • April 9, 2008

German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently apologized to Israel for the Holocaust of World War II. These comments were very noble—but do the German people agree with her? And is the pope sorry for the Holocaust?

Article • February 18, 2016

Soon it could be law.

Article • November 15, 2010

The dollar’s days as reserve currency are numbered.

Article • January 29, 2016

China’s new Asian International Investment Bank could upset the balance of power in Asia.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • March 14, 2016

The results of state elections in Germany on Sunday are a strong signal that Chancellor Angela Merkel could be on her way out. Support for parties with anti-migrant policies was high and is a concrete indicator that many Germans are no longer in favor of Ms. Merkel. How will these, and upcoming, elections affect Germany’s leadership? Listen to Stephen Flurry discuss this and more on today’s show.

Article • May 27, 2011

No man knows the day or hour, but we can know when it is near.

Feature • August 1, 2011

No man knows the day or hour, but we can know when it is near.

Article • December 29, 2010

Highlights from HWA College Concert

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • February 27, 2019

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • February 3, 2023

Article • February 2, 2010