Article • April 2, 2020

As prophecies hasten toward fulfillment, the ongoing pandemic could transform German politics.

Article • July 26, 2017

What are the facts behind the latest rumors of a return for Germany’s most charismatic politician in recent memory?

Article • October 13, 2023

Guttenberg’s warnings were ignored, but he may get a chance to right the wrongs.

Article • October 19, 2010

All of a sudden either Germany’s defense minister or his wife are daily featured in the German news media.

Article • January 13, 2011

Germany takes a giant step toward a professional military.

Article • December 13, 2011

Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has accepted an advisory post with the European Commission.

Article • December 16, 2019

How Europe’s efforts to create a European superstate will finally succeed

Article • July 1, 2019

The moment he is waiting for could come this year.

Article • September 11, 2019

Germany’s new hope is boldly making his presence known.

Article • December 3, 2019

Merkel’s term is nearing its end; it may come a lot sooner than you expect.

Article • October 28, 2019

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg demands change in how Germany’s chancellor candidate is selected.

Article • September 10, 2017

Hurricane Irma, weapons for World War III, Germany’s unseen crisis, and more

Article • October 3, 2017

The recent German election left its political landscape paralyzed, seeking orientation. The eyes of the media and politicians alike are glued to one man.

Article • November 6, 2015

Germany’s former defense minister says that Europe’s leaders must be stronger, even as he begins his own political comeback.

Article • October 3, 2011

Within days of each other, three men we have connected as possibly becoming prominent in the future restructuring of Europe gained headlines.

Article • January 24, 2011

Germany’s defense minister, under attack by political opponents, rises to the occasion.

Feature • June 26, 2024

After almost 80 years of a pacifist mindset, war thinking has revived in Germany.

Article • February 21, 2011

Hamburg’s elections reveal a swing against Germany’s coalition government.

Article • November 30, 2009

As Chancellor Merkel’s shaky coalition government shows early signs of division, one bright light shines through it all: Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg.

Feature • May 1, 2014

Written 2,500 years ago, the book of Daniel includes an extraordinarily fitting description of end-time Europe.

Article • December 13, 2010

German troops are back in France.

Article • October 24, 2012

In a classic display of gentlemanly restraint, the baron avoids any impression of a desire to rush back to politics.

Article • March 20, 2019

Former economics minister and defense minister expresses distrust of the U.S. and China.

Article • January 27, 2010

Germany’s minister of defense triumphs in contest to strengthen military presence in Afghanistan.