Article • February 8, 2009

The measure of President Obama’s success, the demise of the PLO and the struggle for Afghanistan. Plus, first bees—now bats.

Article • April 18, 2019

‘Russia’s icebreakers make it king of the Arctic, and America is just a pauper.’

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • May 31, 2016

Iran’s government last week elected Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati to lead the Assembly of Experts, the body responsible for picking the nation’s next supreme leader. Jannati is a hard-liner who has encouraged suicide bombings and, in 2014, stated that Iran’s number one slogan was “Death to America.” When asked about the election of Jannati, United States State Department spokesman Mark Toner shared a laugh with reporters and had no comment on the issue. The next day, when Toner was asked about the new coalition in Israel between Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman, he wasted little time in noting that it was “the most right-wing coalition in Israel’s history.” Why is the U.S. silent on the election of Jannati and upset about Israel’s new coalition? Find out on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Article • May 3, 2016

Never stop challenging yourself.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • May 3, 2016

Western society views old age as a time to give up on learning new things. True Christians must be careful to avoid letting that myth affect them. There is never a time to stop growing spiritually. Christ said we must endure to the end and keep growing—especially late in life. With age, it can seem more appealing to take the easy road and get lazy when it comes to developing new habits. How can seniors avoid falling into this slump? What is the key to promoting continual growth? On today’s show, Stephen Flurry provides practical advice for seniors to help them continue growing during the later years.

Feature • November 1, 2005

Article • October 19, 2012

Why we should be watching the Holy City closely

Feature • May 1, 2003

Article • June 22, 2017

Why ‘Macrel’ is the new flavor of the month

Article • January 4, 2022

A new Hungary for a new year—ready to take on Europe

Article • April 19, 2021

A few hundred ceos are nixing voter ID laws and sending U.S. jobs to China.

Feature • August 17, 2023

Using the New Testament alone, can you prove that the Sabbath is still in effect today?

Article • June 28, 2022

Radical leftists feel threatened by a Supreme Court that is pushing back against their ongoing coup.

Article • November 26, 2018

Moving ‘step by step to “an army of Europeans”’

Article • December 31, 2018

New citizenship law shows Europe’s changing attitude toward Islam.

Article • December 21, 2021

An unorthodox leader rises in an unorthodox way in Germany.

Feature • April 1, 2010

Latin American and Caribbean nations vote to keep the U.S. out of their affairs.

Article • April 9, 2010

Obama’s vision of a nuke-free world will lead to another global war.

Article • November 2, 2017

As the United States distances itself from the Philippines, Russia and China are swooping in to fill the void.

Article • March 6, 2009

Is the once-special relationship between the United States and Britain about to end?

Article • April 6, 2010

Will lifting the ban on offshore drilling relieve America’s oil dependency?

Article • February 26, 2014

Italy’s upheavals point to a dangerous political crisis brewing in Europe.

Article • January 12, 2016

How the mass sexual assault of hundreds of women will revolutionize Europe

Article • March 13, 2018

Germany’s months without a stable government are about to end, but its problems are certain to continue.