Article • February 24, 2011

The German military moves to get the public on its side.

Article • December 26, 2018

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg want to expand Europe’s empire to Africa.

Feature • May 1, 2016

Europe’s refugee crisis is shaking Europe to its foundations. The shocks will help bring a new leader to power soon who will make a sinister deal with Russia.

Article • November 3, 2020

A digital euro is set to define the future of cross-border payments, gaining ground on the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.

Article • April 25, 2011

The group responsible for exposing the matter of unattributed sources in a number of doctoral dissertations in Germany claims its motives are pure. Are they indeed?

Article • November 9, 2014

Written by late Trumpet columnist Ron Fraser on Nov. 9, 2009, on the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall’s fall, an event that changed modern history.

Article • May 12, 2016

A little-known pact being negotiated between Washington and Brussels concerns the transfer of American sovereignty to globalist bodies outside the United States.

Article • September 2, 2010

When it comes to Germany’s military, size isn’t everything.

Article • February 20, 2020

The man people say could replace Chancellor Merkel

Article • September 26, 2019

The Franco-German tandem is missing a rider.

Article • October 17, 2010

Article • September 25, 2017

What’s behind Germany’s deepening political crisis?

Article • February 1, 2017

Germany’s manipulation of the euro was rarely discussed. Until Donald Trump arrived.

Article • July 13, 2023

Europeans fear being caught amidst a rising conflict.

Article • November 9, 2009

The fall of the Berlin Wall triggered an imperialist German push for dominance in Europe.

Article • December 7, 2018

Germans see relations as negative; Americans see them as positive. What is going wrong?

Article • May 24, 2021

A little-known pact being negotiated between Washington and Brussels concerns the transfer of American sovereignty to globalist bodies outside the United States.

Article • April 26, 2010

Faced with multiple crises, the European Union struggles under weak and inept leadership.

Article • November 14, 2019

Germany and the U.S. need each other … for now.

Article • August 28, 2019

Combining emerging technologies with its well-established industry may cause the German economy to reach new heights.

Article • June 7, 2010

Why is the world so blind to the dangers posed by a German nation once again robustly asserting its own national interest?

Feature • December 13, 2023

Article • October 23, 2009