Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • October 5, 2021

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • February 6, 2023

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • October 20, 2021

Article • June 2, 2021

Perhaps even more concerning than the vaccine is the way the media is reporting it.

Article • October 12, 2021

Vaccines have been a financial windfall for big pharma. So never mind natural immunity—just get the jab.

Article • October 28, 2022

Article • October 26, 2021

A not-so-open secret in America: Pharmaceutical megacorporations practically own the corporate media.

Feature • November 30, 2021

Who is making the decisions off-camera?

Article • October 13, 2021

Why the deception? In a word—profit.

Article • February 2, 2023

The corporate media and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration perform public relations for Big Pharma.

Feature • February 22, 2023

Few things illustrate the power of Big Pharma like the way Big Media covers for it.

Article • March 29, 2022

We get our first look at the reports the fda wanted to keep secret for 75 years.

Feature • March 25, 2022

Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Media are working together to make a mountain of money!

Article • March 24, 2021

Is it really a good idea for every American to get vaccinated?

Article • January 24, 2023

The pharmaceutical industry is just as much a node of the “deep state” as Silicon Valley or Wall Street.

Feature • November 30, 2021

Feature • July 2, 2021

Article • August 3, 2021

Government-enforced lockdowns have not been bad news for everybody.

Article • August 17, 2022

The rise of Big Pharma may be even more concerning than you think.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • July 23, 2021

Article • May 3, 2022

Canada’s most populous province is becoming a Communist state.