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Putin Isn’t ‘Bad,’ He’s Evil, Vile, Terrifying …

Sergey Guneev/Host Photo Agency/Ria Novosti via Getty Images

Putin Isn’t ‘Bad,’ He’s Evil, Vile, Terrifying …

The West dangerously underestimates Vladimir Putin.

Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on October 28.

Vladimir Putin leads his nation in a way the West is unaccustomed to. He is decisive, bold and uncompromising. Many people in Europe and North America don’t take Russia’s president seriously—others look at him as a sort of movie criminal—but this man should be properly feared. He is dangerous and his actions within Russia and in surrounding regions prove he is no joke. Yet, too many people in the West don’t seem alarmed by this man. On today’s show, Trumpet columnist Brad Macdonald digs behind Russia’s state-governed media to reveal some frightening history about Vladimir Putin.

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