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Alt-Right, Antifa, Left-wing Media and the Handcuffed Police: A Toxic Mix Prophesied to Explode

Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other alt-right factions scuffled with counter-demonstrators near Emancipation Park (Formerly ‘Lee Park’) in downtown Charlottesville, Virginia.
Getty Images

Alt-Right, Antifa, Left-wing Media and the Handcuffed Police: A Toxic Mix Prophesied to Explode

Listen to the Aug. 15, 2017, episode of the Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

White supremacist groups in America applauded the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend. Some members said it wasn’t enough. Meanwhile, the radical Marxist protest movement Antifa has been given a clean slate despite also having a long record of violence. Both extremes are beginning to fight in the streets of America’s cities, and the police are helpless to do anything about it. These are turbulent times, and it’s about to get a lot worse. Bible prophecy says America will experience race wars on its way to collapse. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain how these events play into Bible prophecy.

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