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Harvey Weinstein, the #MeToo Movement and the New Sexual Counterrevolution

Harvey Weinstein
Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for TNT

Harvey Weinstein, the #MeToo Movement and the New Sexual Counterrevolution

Listen to the Nov. 7, 2017, episode of the Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

After World War ii, the floodgates were opened and the sexual revolution was on. Western societies cast aside traditional teachings on sex and morality and went to the other extreme of casual sex and immorality. The destruction of morality has led to the endless stream of headlines about sexual harassment that now appear daily on the news. Humanity is totally confused about the true meaning of sex, and the result is that society is constantly swinging from one extreme to the other. It appears man will try anything—except what the Bible teaches! On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show we discuss God’s law of love and the true meaning of sex.

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