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Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Woke

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testifies on the department’s fiscal year 2022 budget request during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on June 23.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Woke

Has the U.S. military’s leadership become an agent of the ‘deep state’?

Republican representatives Matt Gaetz and Michael Waltz, during the June 23 session of the House Armed Services Committee, questioned why the United States military offered courses and training on critical race theory.

The questions were prompted after several active military members contacted the representatives and expressed concern about the recent “Understanding Whiteness and White Rage” seminar held at West Point. The Chief of Naval Operations recommended the book How to Be an Antiracist, which proposes the solution to racism is discrimination against white people.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, defended the training offered by the U.S. military: “I want to understand white rage, and I’m white. And I want to understand it. So what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? … I want to find that out. I want to maintain an open mind here, and I do want to analyze it. [I]t is important that the leaders now and in the future do understand it.

The most powerful man in America’s military believes that the events on January 6 were an attempt to overturn the Constitution of the nation. Milley continued:

I’ve read Mao Tse Tung. I’ve read Karl Marx. I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a Communist. So what is wrong with … having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend? And I personally find it offensive that we are accusing the United States military, our general officers, our commissioned, noncommissioned officers of being “woke” or something else because we’re studying some theories that are out there.

Milley is correct: Reading Mao, Lenin and Marx does not make you a Communist. But that is not the issue. The real threat is that the education being mandated by the military’s top leadership is attempting to overturn the Constitution of the United States.

Every enlisted member and every officer takes an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” How can we expect the men and women in the military to defend the Constitution when they are being taught that America is systemically racist and that supporters of President Donald Trump are white supremacists?

General Milley’s comments have exposed how he is enabling the agenda of the radical left to politicize the military. More information has revealed how Milley actively undermined President Trump and was complicit with the “deep state.”

Bible prophecy shows that there is a time when no one with power would be helping America, not even the military.

No Helper for America

In the April 2021 Trumpet issue, editor in chief Gerald Flurry explained in “America Has No Helper” that everyone in Washington, D.C., knew that the Mueller probe was being used to hide the illegal and treasonous actions taken against a duly elected president. “The complicity among the political class, including Democrats, Republicans, the news media and others, is far deeper than Americans realize,” Mr. Flurry wrote. “The amount of power, money, influence, technology and intimidation they wield is staggering.”

He continued:

The deep, deep corruption involved here is now being exposed before our eyes. And it was prophesied in 2 Kings 14:26: “For the Lord saw that the affliction of Israel was very bitter, for there was none left, bond or free, and there was none to help Israel” (Revised Standard Version).

As Mr. Flurry wrote, “Israel” refers prophetically to America and Britain, and this passage in 2 Kings 14 is not only history, but also prophecy, particularly for America.

The longer time goes on, the more corruption is being exposed in the government. We still have not gotten to the bottom of the swamp. The fraudulent 2020 election has amplified how much corruption and complicity there is in every level of government. Mr. Flurry wrote in the January 2021 Trumpet: “I am also certain that we are about to see some of the biggest frauds exposed perhaps ever!”

This complicity and corruption includes the top leadership of the U.S. military. The top echelons of the military hold a lot of power, but they are not helping to preserve and defend America. Currently they are in league with the forces seeking to blot out America. Right now the radical left has a stranglehold on every branch of the government: the executive, the legislative and the judicial. The only forces that can check their agenda are the military and the Second Amendment. But as Mr. Flurry wrote in the April Trumpet,Nobody with any power is helping Israel.”

General Milley is enabling the radicalization of the military, despite insisting he is apolitical.

Deep State Infiltration of the Military

During his impassioned testimony at the House Committee on June 23, General Milley said:

First of all, on the issue of critical race theory, et cetera, a lot of us have to get much smarter on whatever the theory is. But I do think it’s important actually for those of us in uniform to be open-minded and be widely read. And the United States Military Academy is a university. And it is important that we train and we understand.

Milley said the United States Military Academy is a university. That is true in a technical sense, but what should be of concern is the military institutions becoming like any other university in America. The Trumpet has documented the radicalization of America’s educational system by Communists. Radical-left professors dominate the faculty at nearly all universities. But did you know these same professors have also taught every single top military leader for decades?

Following the Vietnam War, the U.S. military made it mandatory for commissioned officers to have a college degree. General Milley has several degrees, but he entered the military after getting a bachelor’s in political science from Princeton in 1980. Interestingly enough, Robert Mueller received the same degree from Princeton years prior.

Herbert W. Armstrong warned in 1956 that the Communist infiltration of America would target education and the military, writing:

It’s a kind of warfare we don’t understand, or know how to cope with. It uses every diabolical means to weaken us from within, sapping our strength, perverting our morals, sabotaging our educational system, wrecking our social structure, destroying our spiritual and religious life, weakening our industrial and economic power, demoralizing our armed forces, and finally, after such infiltration, overthrowing our government by force and violence!

Nearly all top military leaders have been educated in the Marxist-dominated educational system. These officers are transplanting their education and methods from these radical universities and placing them into the U.S. military’s academies and policies. The education in the military is demoralizing our armed forces.

Victor Davis Hanson wrote in an article titled “Has the Military Lost Middle America?” that the military is targeting political supporters of Donald Trump:

The Pentagon’s current and past top echelon is seen as politically weaponized—and both careerist and opportunist. Generals and admirals are currently scanning enlistments for mythical white supremacists, in fear of left-wing pressure following the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. These military officials apparently have no commensurate concern about whether there are Antifa-affiliated service members with records of past violence.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Navy has a reading list, which includes The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness and Sexual Minorities and Politics. Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton revealed that several hundred complaints came to him about racism and extremist training that labeled America as “systemically racist” and that the U.S. military is generally “racist.”

Tucker Carlson revealed in December 2020 how some leaders were pushing for service members to read White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo, and that during Operation Inclusion the military labeled the term “Make America Great Again” as a white supremacist slogan.

President Trump signed an executive order canceling all critical race theory training in the federal government. President Joe Biden nullified that executive order on his first day in office.

Many military leaders are pushing this radical education, especially the new Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. General Milley has not only endorsed this policy, he has also worked with the deep state in the coup against President Trump.

Undermining the Commander in Chief

General Milley first seemed to break with President Trump after he walked with the president to the St. John’s Church in Washington, D.C. Hanson wrote:

The tenure of highly decorated Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has proved a veritable train wreck of late. Under pressure from the left, last summer he renounced a photo appearance with then President Donald Trump as unduly politicizing his service.

It is a matter of routine for the Joint Chiefs to appear with the president in photo ops. Milley did so at St. John’s, but then succumbed to media pressure and accusations that protesters were removed from the area using tear gas solely so the president could have a photo op. This despite the fact that the inspector general of the Department of the Interior later confirmed that the clearing of the violent protesters had nothing to do with the photo op.

The blogger Sundance pointed out that General Milley never removed Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman from his post, even after he compromised his position by attacking President Trump over the fake scandal surrounding the Ukraine phone call. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and General Milley also authorized military strikes in Syria and Iraq and only told Mr. Trump after they occurred. A few days later, Col. Douglas Macgregor said he thought President Trump was being intentionally and “skillfully misinformed.”

The entire military establishment at the Pentagon worked against President Trump during his administration because, as an outsider, Trump went against the conventional Pentagon agenda. Trump leveraged diplomatic and economic pressure more often than using the military. These Pentagon leaders, including General Milley, lost some of their influence and control. The military was not used to a commander in chief actually utilizing his authority to fulfill his vision, not the vision of the establishment.

More stories have emerged that President Trump and General Milley clashed on several issues. Apparently the two had a shouting match over the president wanting Milley to be in charge of National Guard troops, with Milley telling the president it was unlawful for him to command troops. Milley also opposed President Trump using National Guard troops to maintain civic order. Hanson wrote:

Equally untrue were complaints from Milley and a host of retired officers about Trump tyrannically using federal troops to maintain civic order. Such action has happened repeatedly in our history. For example, Gen. Colin Powell, former head of the Joints Chiefs, commanded the troops sent into Los Angeles in 1992 to quell the rioting that followed the acquittal of L.A. police officers charged in the beating of Rodney King.

Before the January 6 protest, General Milley reportedly compared Trump supporters to Nazi brown shirts. Milley reportedly thought Trump might try to invoke the Insurrection Act and use the military to gain power. “You can’t do this without the military,” Milley said. “You can’t do this without the [Central Intelligence Agency] and the [Federal Bureau of Investigation]. We’re the guys with the guns.”

General Milley even took a phone call from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who asked him to ensure Trump couldn’t use the military or launch nuclear weapons.

Milley reportedly thought Trump would try to stage a coup before Inauguration Day and apparently had a plan for all top-ranking officers to resign. President Trump said he never planned a coup or the use of the military to maintain power. Despite this imagined fear that Milley created, he did not have a problem militarizing the capital with National Guard troops. Hanson pointed out his contradictory policies:

Neither Milley nor any of the previously vocal top brass objected to the Biden administration’s militarization of Washington, D.C., after January 6. There was not a word about miles of barbed wire and fencing. There was utter silence about the omnipresence of thousands of armed troops throughout the city. Such mobilization was the very scenario they had said would pose an existential threat to democracy.

Whether some of these emerging stories are true or not, General Milley’s actions speak for themselves: Milley has been an enabler for the deep state’s agenda.

This is yet another layer of deep corruption that is being exposed in America’s government!

President Trump Is Coming Back!

Despite the overwhelming power the radical left holds over the government, Bible prophecy says that Donald Trump will regain the presidency. Mr. Flurry wrote in the July 2021 Trumpet issue that 2 Kings 14:28 indicates the end-time Jeroboam will recover something. “How does this verse apply to Donald Trump?” Mr. Flurry asked. “Bible prophecy shows that, however it happens, Mr. Trump will return to office.”

We do not know how or when President Trump will return, but the Bible says it will happen! Please read Mr. Flurry’s article “What Will Happen After Trump Regains Power” to prove for yourself what the Bible says.

Change is coming; that may involve a change in power of all these corrupt leaders who are being exposed. If the radical left maintains its hold on the leadership of the military, it is difficult to see how President Trump would return to power. Watch events closely as Bible prophecy is fulfilled!

Please read Mr. Flurry’s booklet Great Again to understand more of the spiritual dimension behind these attacks on America.

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