Key of David

Rise of the Holy Roman Empire

How quickly we humans forget. Those who watch Europe know that the Continent is heading in a dangerous direction, unleashing the phantoms of a bloody history. Find out where current trends are leading—and how it all is revealed in your Bible.

Offered on this program

Many people are aware of the atrocities committed by Germany in World War ii, but would consider them ancient history. These people are completely unaware of the legacy that Adolf Hitler drew upon in creating his Nazi war machine. His was merely the latest resurrection of a war-making empire with a long and bloody history. Did you know that the Bible prophesied of his regime—as well as the terrible emergence of one last resurrection in our day?

The commission God has given to His Church in this age may even be beyond what our human minds can fully comprehend at this time! The mystery of God has to be declared today. But this work is also to teach all humanity that the mystery must be dispensed, or declared, to every person ever created. They must be taught not just the mystery, but taught to teach it. Why? Is it possible God will keep expanding His Family throughout the universe forever?

Remembering five decades of accurate forecasting by Herbert W. Armstrong

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The end-time Elijah died in 1986. But God did not.

Donald Trump wants to take back the Panama Canal. His recent comments have brought renewed attention to this outstanding sea gate. Understand why America built the Panama Canal, why we gave it away to Panama, and how this terrible decision will soon cost our nation dearly.

The Apostle John saw a vision of God and Christ in full glory. Understand how this awesome vision changed John’s life—and how it can change your life too.

The whole world is astonished by the speedy collapse of the Syrian dictatorship in 13 days, after 13 years of civil war. Understand how Germany’s backing of the rebels caused the collapse of the Syrian government—and uncover the sinister reason why Germany chose to intervene.

The ancient Israelite capital city of Shiloh was the site of God’s tabernacle and the ark of the covenant. But it was also the site of a horrendous massacre. Understand why God abandoned Shiloh—and how a baby boy born during that terrible time is our greatest warning for today.

The chaotic, violent world around you can be explained by two special symbolic trees. Understand the two trees, and you will understand everything about your purpose, mind, and life. Learn how to make the right choice between these two trees—how to choose the tree of life.