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Despite War, India Continues Joint Weapons Manufacturing With Russia

A joint venture between India and Russia, Indo-Russian Rifles Private Ltd. (irrpl), produced its first batch of AK-203 automatic rifles, Janes reported on February 3. With a manufacturing facility in Korwa, India, the joint project aims to make 600,000 assault rifles over the course of the next decade. The Indian Armed Forces will receive this first batch of rifles soon.

  • In line with the Made in India initiative, one goal of the manufacturing facility is to produce all rifles with 100 percent local content.
  • By March, irrpl is expected to produce 5,000 rifles with 5 percent indigenous content.
  • Another 70,000 will be made in the next three years with 70 percent indigenous content.
  • After that, every AK-203 rifle will be made with 100 percent Indian parts.

Sergey Chemezov, general director of irrpl’s Russian shareholder Rostec, called it “one of the best assault rifles in the world.”

Prophecy says: India, like some of its close neighbors, continues to cooperate with Russia both economically and militarily, seemingly indifferent to Russia’s war on Ukraine. Though India maintains close ties to Western nations, it has been a long-standing partner of Russia. This Russo-Indian relationship was foretold in Bible prophecy.

Ezekiel and Revelation show that in the end time, India will come under Russian power to form an army that will fight in World War iii. This army will be a collaboration of multiple Asia nations with Russia as the head. Russia and India cooperating to produce rifles now is a harbinger of this greater combined effort in the near future. To understand more, read Russia and China in Prophecy.

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