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Three Israelis Killed at Egyptian Border

An Egyptian policeman shot and killed two Israeli soldiers at the border, on June 3. Hours later, a second exchange of fire within Israel’s territory resulted in the death of a third Israeli soldier and the Egyptian gunman.

Authorities on both sides are investigating the altercation, including the motive behind the shooting and how the gunman was able to infiltrate Israel for the third killing.

According to the Egyptian Army, their border security officer pursued and shot the Israeli soldiers because he suspected them of drug smuggling.

The 150-mile border fence was erected in 2012 to stop African migration and the Islamic State from entering Israel, according to Al Jazeera’s bureau chief in Palestine, Walid al-Omari.

This incident was one of the most serious since Egypt and Israel signed a peace deal in 1979. It has been over 10 years since there was a fatal skirmish between the two sides at the border.

Fighting between these two nations is rare. However, that is about to change.

Wiping Israel off the map: Bible prophecy warns of a coming Middle Eastern alliance led by Iran and whose primary objective is to wipe out Israel. This alliance will include Egypt.

As relations shift in the Middle East, watch Egypt. The divide between Egypt and Israel will worsen as Egypt is swept into the radical Islamist Iran-led camp.

To prove this prophecy for yourself, request a free copy of our booklet The King of the South.

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