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U.S. Army and Marine Corps Lack Confirmed Leaders

The United States Army and Marine Corps are both without Senate-confirmed leadership for the first time in history, after Army Gen. James McConville stepped down on August 4. Over 300 military nominations have been stalled as Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville protests the policy of the Department of Defense paying for soldiers to travel to get an abortion.

I hate to have to do this. It’s unfortunate. But we make the laws over here. The [Department of Defense] doesn’t. This is not about abortion. It’s about taxpayer-funded abortions. …

Federal law only allows the military to provide abortions in three very narrow circumstances: rape, incest and threat to the life of the mother. Yet the Biden administration has turned the [Department of Defense] into an abortion travel agency. They did it by using just a memo.
— Sen. Tommy Tuberville

The radical left is pushing its progressive Marxist agenda to fundamentally transform America, but some lawmakers are fighting back. As a result, both of America’s ground combat forces are without top leadership. Will the increasing division contribute to our downfall as a nation?

The Trumpet said: In the January 2017 Trumpet issue, we wrote:

President Abraham Lincoln famously quoted Jesus Christ when he said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” History shows that when a nation falls into division and infighting, it quickly becomes consumed by internal crises that leave it vulnerable to attack by foreign enemies.

This is exactly what God prophesies will happen to America in the near future. Why? Because Americans have rebelled against His law. … The dangerous level of ideological division in modern-day America is leading to the ultimate fulfillment of this prophecy.

Learn more: Read America Under Attack, by Gerald Flurry.

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