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Mexican Drug Cartels Exploit U.S. Government’s CBP One App

The government of Mexico is permitting any individual who comes into the nation from Guatemala to travel to the United States border as long as they have made an appointment on the U.S. government’s cbp One mobile app, the Washington Examiner reported on August 4. The report noted that this is especially worrisome since Mexican cartels are “exploiting the app’s security” in ways that let them make “unlimited appointments” for “anyone in the world—far beyond the app’s ‘Northern Mexico’ geofence.”

It’s further evidence, as this [Biden] administration continues to try to come up with a new security paradigm along that border, that I don’t think they really understand it. They don’t understand the lengths and depths the cartels will continue to go to. …

As the administration continues to put these “legal pathways” into place, that’s music to the cartel’s ears.
—Chad Wolf, former acting Department of Homeland Security secretary

Drug cartels are exploiting the cbp One app and using Mexico’s policy to their advantage. According to the Washington Examiner, “Once immigrants show up at the Guatemala-Mexico or in Chiapas, the [Mexican National Migration Institute] will let them proceed.”

Mexico will certainly let people through if they have an appointment. They’re sort of counting that as a de facto transit visa. … It’s sabotage, and they know very well that people can’t normally get an appointment unless they’re north of Mexico City.
—Adam Isacson, Director for Defense Oversight, Washington Office on Latin America

The Biden administration’s efforts at the U.S.-Mexico border have proved to be a catastrophic failure at the expense of America’s national security.

In the August 2022 issue of the Trumpet, we wrote:

This nation is committing suicide at the hands of certain powerful people in government and in society. They are actively, intentionally sabotaging this special nation from the inside. These radical elites have rapidly and fundamentally transformed American politics, governance, diplomacy, policing, morality, race, sex, tradition and culture.

This is what makes America’s collapse so shocking, so historic and so excruciating: The nation is being attacked from within by its own leaders.

Learn more: Read America Under Attack, by Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry.

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