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Hunter Biden Indicted on Gun Charges

Hunter Biden was indicted for three gun charges on September 14.

After a five-year criminal investigation, the Department of Justice (doj) is finally charging Hunter. Not for his involvement in illegal influence peddling, money laundering or his other serious crimes. Instead, he is being indicted for federal firearms charges. This is the only one of Hunter’s crimes that cannot be traced back to his father, Joe Biden.

The indictment against Hunter is related to a firearms purchase he made in 2018.

  • Two of the charges accuses Hunter of lying on a federal form about his drug addiction while purchasing the gun.
  • One charge is for the illegal possession of a gun while being addicted to narcotics.

These are relatively insignificant charges considering the plethora of his crimes that have been uncovered about Hunter.

Fifth Amendment protection: Back in June, the doj tried to resolve the gun charge with a diversion agreement. The doj would overlook the gun charge and Hunter would agree to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges. Both the diversion agreement and the plea deal fell apart.

But the doj is using this to its advantage.

If Hunter were pardoned now, he would lose his Fifth Amendment rights, opening him to questioning regarding his foreign corruption dealings. With the 2024 elections just around the corner, the less questions Hunter answers regarding the Biden family’s crimes the better.

By indicting Hunter on firearms charges, the doj can protect the Biden family from questioning and cover up its more major crimes.

America under attack: America’s Department of Justice is no longer working for justice. It has been overtaken and exploited by an evil government system.

To understand how such nefarious actions are being carried out at such high levels, read America Under Attack.

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