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North Korea Begins Sending Weapons to Russia

North Korea is actively arming Russia for its war against Ukraine. Satellite imagery from October 5 showed approximately 73 railcars in North Korea’s Tumangang Rail Facility preparing to enter Russia.

Over the past five years, 20 railcars at most have been pictured at any given time. This surge in rail traffic lends evidence to a suspected arms deal between the two countries.

Cargo: Due to the shipments being well covered by tarps, it is impossible to confirm if they contain weapons. But the dramatic increase in shipments in addition to their extensive concealment indicates contraband.

Analysts believe Russia will receive artillery shells and antitank missiles from North Korea in exchange for food aid and more advanced technology for satellites and nuclear-powered submarines.

United Asia: The Trumpet has predicted this strengthening relationship for decades because of Bible prophecy. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has proved that Russian President Vladimir Putin will unite Asia under Russia’s rule. The blooming Russo-North Korean relationship shows that this prophecy is moving toward fulfillment.

Learn more: Read The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia.’

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