Guttenberg: Europe Needs to Prepare for War With Russia
Germany’s most popular politician, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, warned in an interview published on January 19 that Russia could attack Germany in “five to eight” years. Former Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg echoed his warning on January 25, stating that it is Germany’s “duty” to prepare for war.
In a conversation with Bild’s vice editor, Guttenberg warned that if Russian President Vladimir Putin gets “the feeling that ‘I can ultimately bring home victories simply through pure aggression’ and pamper the oh-so-hurt Russian soul again in some way, then, of course, it may well be that the ‘taste of blood’ calls for more.”
In regards to past broken agreements, Guttenberg stated: “I trust Putin as far as you can throw a piano.”
He also warned against the return of Donald Trump: “We have to assume that if Trump were actually reelected to office, which is an absolute horror scenario for me, that in this case Kyiv could and will starve to death because Trump sees [Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy] as a personal opponent.” Guttenberg claimed political decisions could be marked by Trump’s personal feelings of revenge.
For the last few months, Guttenberg has sounded the alarm in his podcast series, talk shows, interviews and speeches. At a leading trade fair on Oct. 24, 2023, he warned that the war in Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas war could bind the United States in such a way that further conflicts could no longer be contained.
In a talk show on November 14, he echoed this sentiment: “We have two conflicts or wars: Ukraine and Gaza. Both ensure that the Americans are doubly distracted. In addition comes another distraction: We are already in an election campaign in the U.S. This plays into the hands of those who would like to see the U.S. and the West weakened. … This could lead to a next step from China in areas that we don’t want to see.”
As global crises grow and the U.S. turns inward, Europe needs to prepare for a potential global war. But how?
In a conversation with security expert Claudia Major in November, Guttenberg noted that European nations need to work together. Instead of individual countries filling their arsenals with the armaments needed to defend themselves, they should focus on contributing their best to a combined European military. This is how Europe can maximize its military strength.
Guttenberg is one of a few leading men who have called for a joint European military force for years. But this idea did not gain acceptance until the recent wars.
When Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry warned:
The most important nation to watch right now is Germany. How will it respond to Putin’s war on Ukraine? This Ukraine war is going to speed up the rise of the prophesied German-led Holy Roman Empire!
European nations are realizing they can no longer rely on the U.S. and global threats are too big for themselves. As a result, they will unite into an empire with a joint army. Such an army will need support from Europe’s biggest economy: Germany.
The next few months and years will prove Mr. Flurry’s forecast true. And there are indications that Guttenberg will lead this empire (read “Watch This Man Closely”).