Ukraine Starts EU Membership Talks

The European Union opened membership talks with both Moldova and Ukraine on June 25, signaling that the nations of Europe intend to continue supporting Ukraine in its war against Russia.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said the start of EU ascension talks was a historic moment, even though the nation will have to make far-reaching reforms before it meets EU standards. Candidates for EU membership need approval from all 27 EU member states to open and close each step of the ascension process.

Political turmoil: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán opposes EU membership for Ukraine. He just took over the six-month rotating presidency of the EU on July 1, so this could be a hurdle.

Yet many of the EU’s less nationalistic politicians are eager for closer ties to Ukraine. Karl Habsburg, an Austrian politician and the head of the 800-year-old House of Habsburg, stated two years ago that “Europe is never going to be complete without Ukraine.” Habsburg’s grandfather, Emperor Charles i of Austria, ruled over western Ukraine and opposed Russian expansion into Central Europe.

Partitioned: The late Herbert W. Armstrong long predicted that the EU would morph into the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. This rising empire is currently reliant on Russian oil and gas. It needs a working relationship with Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Yet it also does not want to see Putin push his borders too far west.

The fact that the EU is starting ascension talks with Ukraine is a sign that European leaders want to integrate at least the western portion of it into their empire, even if that means partitioning the country.

Learn more: Read “Bible Prophecy Comes Alive in Ukraine,” by Trumpet editor in Chief Gerald Flurry.