Technocrats Run America

Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Barack Obama
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Technocrats Run America

The real threat to democracy is not coming from Donald Trump.

American democracy is in peril. Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race after top operatives threatened to forcibly remove him from office by declaring him mentally incapacitated. With less than 15 weeks to go until the United States presidential elections, Democratic Party leaders voted on July 24 to change their own rules so they could crown Kamala Harris as their nominee weeks before the Democratic National Convention. Harris is already screening vice presidential candidates, so Americans will soon be presented with a pair of Democratic Party candidates no one voted for. It has never been clearer that technocrats run the country.

Four years ago, investigative journalist Lee Smith pointed out that Harris was Barack Obama’s top choice for Democratic Party nominee. But only 844 people voted for her in the 2020 Democratic primaries. So Obama decided to back his former vice president, Joe Biden, and convince him to pick Harris as his running mate.

Now it seems Democrats have found a way to nominate Harris without her ever participating in a primary. They just had Biden win the primary, reselect Harris as his running mate, and drop out of the race. Democratic delegates then rallied around Harris without consulting potential voters. They plan to have Harris select a Democratic Party-approved running mate and become the public face of the party.

This whole scenario is reminiscent of a similar technocratic takeover that took place in the 1970s. When Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned on Oct. 10, 1973, President Richard Nixon appointed Gerald Ford as his replacement. When Nixon resigned on Aug. 9, 1974, Ford became president of the United States without running in an election. The main difference between now and the 1970s is that Biden was a figurehead president while Nixon actually led the country.

The only reason the stock market did not crash after Biden’s withdrawal is that America’s power elite have known for some time that Obama alumni in the Biden administration were the ones managing the country. Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race doesn’t change much other than highlighting the fact that the man whom 81 million people allegedly voted for in 2020 doesn’t do all that much. Harris can take his place and pick a vice president, and the same Obama alumni will pull the strings in Washington.

Harris is warning voters that Donald Trump poses a threat to democracy, but the only threat Trump poses is the threat that the American people might vote for a candidate who is not part of the political establishment. Trump has openly called for the deconstruction of the administrative state, which means he wants the American people to take back power usurped by unelected bureaucrats in the federal government. Whether you support or oppose Trump’s plan, the fact remains that he is leading a populist revolt against the administrative state. Populism emphasizes the idea of “the people” against “the elite.” It is by nature democratic: The Greek phrase demo-kratia means “the people” have “the power.”

The notion that Trump is a threat to democracy is a smear campaign thought up by Obama alumni in government who are terrified that the people might vote for someone other than the Democratic Party nominee (who now happens to be an extremely unpopular woman installed by apparatchik who knew she could not win a primary).

A stunning prophecy in Amos 7:8 foretells a time when God will spare America so its people have a chance to repent and turn back to him. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains in his book America Under Attack that this prophecy means Donald Trump will soon recover his presidency. God is going to defeat the technocrats so people will have the freedom to repent of their sins and discover their faith.

Americans certainly do not deserve this unmerited reprieve, but they would not have a chance to turn the country around if technocrats in government dictated not only the nation’s policies, but who the people are allowed to vote for. Without divine intervention, radical Democrats and establishment Republicans would team up to censor free speech, rig elections, and ruin the reputation of anyone who tries to stop them.

The way the Democratic National Convention is being handled is certainly proof of this fact.