Russo-North Korean Relationship Benefits Both Parties

The growing Russo-North Korean relationship is helping both nations survive in a world where most cut them off, Business Insider reported Thursday. The report shows that Russia’s influence among Asian nations is growing more robust.

Context: Last year, Moscow and Pyongyang struck a landmark deal:

  • Russia receives artillery shells and missiles to further its war on Ukraine
  • North Korea receives more advanced military technology and food aid

Russia: In Moscow’s war on Ukraine, conventional weapons are essential.

  • The fighting resembles World War i’s trench warfare: Both sides fire thousands of artillery rounds per day; each party needs as many shells as possible.
  • The advanced gps-guided weapons the West is giving Ukraine can sometimes be countered by electronic-warfare units—conventional shells cannot.
  • North Korea has been preparing and stockpiling for war with America since 1953. Because it is technologically behind, it has focused on production of conventional shells. Thus, it has many of such shells to give.

This week, South Korean intelligence said that Pyongyang has sent more than 13,000 shipping containers to Russia over the last several months. This could hold up to 6 million shells. The North is also sending ballistic missiles to aid Russia’s war effort.

North Korea: It seems Russia is giving North Korea more advanced satellite technology. In the future, Pyongyang may work to receive better aviation technology, helping it make a formidable modern air force—something North Korea lacks. Other Russian support includes a United Nations veto this year that hurt the commission that monitors Pyongyang’s nuclear program.

Prophesied axis: Bible prophecy reveals that Russia would ally with Asian nations such as North Korea to form a massive military powerhouse. This growing relationship is a sign that the most dramatic event in human history is very near.

Learn more: Read our free book Russia and China in Prophecy.