Obama Hid Intel About Iran’s Nuclear Program

US President Barack Obama speaks about US - Iranian relations on January 17, 2016, following the lifting of international sanctions against Iran as part of a nuclear deal capped by a US-Iranian prisoner exchange.
SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Obama Hid Intel About Iran’s Nuclear Program

It was an effort to protect his nuclear deal with Iran.

The Central Intelligence Agency (cia) hid information on how advanced Iran’s nuclear weapons program was during the Obama administration, former National Security Agency (nsa) counterintelligence official John Schindler wrote on August 26. According to Schindler, the information was withheld to protect Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.

Schindler explained that, over a decade ago, an official from a pro-American intelligence service, who he referred to as “M,” recruited a defector from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (irgc). This defector “knew a great deal about the true status of Iran’s program to develop ‘the bomb’” and helped M gather secrets on Iran’s nuclear program.

Then, at a security conference in Europe 12 years ago, M handed Schindler “original irgc documents that were classified top secret.” The documents detailed “technical information” on Iran’s centrifuge program and proved that “Iran is further along with their nuclear weapons program than the U.S. Intelligence Community officially assesses and the Obama administration publicly claims.”

When Schindler said he would give the dossier to his U.S. intelligence contacts, M told Schindler he already had informed the cia, but they were uninterested. M said he told the cia station located in his country’s capital about the dossier, but they would not take it. When that did not work, M arranged a direct meeting with the cia’s chief of station, a personal acquaintance. He even offered to give the cia direct contact to the irgc defector. But the cia chief “appeared wholly nonchalant and bluntly explained that he couldn’t take the dossier.”

Schindler said that later, in a personal conversation with M, the cia official “explained in hush-hush fashion that he had orders ‘from higher up’ not to take possession of the ircg’s nuclear secrets.”

Schindler decided to take the dossier to U.S. intelligence himself and was told that “top people” were reviewing it. “In retrospect,” Schindler explained, “I believe that the dossier was placed in a back room of a classified warehouse somewhere in Northern Virginia, if it wasn’t immediately burn-bagged. “

“That detailed irgc dossier was the wrong narrative as far as the Obama administration was concerned,” Schindler said. “It might jeopardize their precious Iran deal, thus it had to not exist. Therefore, it never existed.”

It isn’t clear who told the cia official not to accept the documents, nor what happened to the information after it was turned into the U.S. intelligence community. However, one thing is certain: The Obama-led cia did not want the information. Once it had it, Obama’s administration concealed it and still pushed through the Iran nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

In his book America Under Attack, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains how Obama weaponized America’s intelligence agencies, like the cia, doj and fbi, to force through many of his policies and silence anyone who stood in his way.

The nsa surveillance database is an extraordinarily powerful tool used by America and its allies. And now the nsa gets a lot of its data from private technology companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google and Microsoft. The intelligence apparatus has recruited these firms as crucial partners ….

Barack Obama has used this partnership to weaponize America’s intelligence services. He successfully took a system created to surveil and neutralize the nation’s external enemies and deployed it instead against his political enemies within America.

This is exactly what happened to retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn in relation to the Iran nuclear deal, Mr. Flurry goes on to explain. As director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, General Flynn had evidence of how the Obama administration was failing to fight the Islamic State and Iran’s other terrorist proxies in the Middle East. General Flynn was also a critic of Obama’s nuclear deal.

Because of this, intelligence agencies opened an investigation into General Flynn and began spying on him, going so far as to track his financial transactions and hack his phone.

General Flynn quit Obama’s administration and signed on to become President-elect Donald Trump’s national security adviser. This made Flynn an even greater threat to Obama.

Journalist Lee Smith wrote in “How Russiagate Began With Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign”:

Why were officials from the [Obama] administration intercepting [Flynn’s] phone calls …? The answer is that Obama saw Flynn as a signal threat to his legacy, which was rooted in his July 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran—the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (jcpoa). Flynn had said long before he signed on with the Trump campaign that it was a catastrophe to realign American interests with those of a terror state. And now that the candidate he’d advised was the new president-elect, Flynn was in a position to help undo the deal.

Obama was personally overseeing the effort to take down Flynn,” Mr. Flurry writes. Flynn was eventually defamed and forced to leave Trump’s administration.

In 2018, Trumpet Daily host Stephen Flurry wrote in “Revealed: A Deal Founded on Lies”:

To sell the nuclear deal to Congress and the American people, [Obama] created the false narrative that the new moderates in power in Iran were willing to dismantle their nuclear program and make peace. … This false narrative convinced enough American leaders and enough of the American people that Obama’s compromises with the “Death to America” Iranian regime were legitimate.

Obama was doing everything he could to secure the Iran deal, even if that meant hiding, spying and lying.

Why was it so important to Obama that the nuclear deal with Iran went through? Why did Obama see it necessary to make a deal with Iran, the greatest state sponsor of terrorism in the world?

To understand, request a free copy of Mr. Flurry’s book America Under Attack.