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DOJ Publishes Bounty Letter Written by Latest Trump Assassin

Prosecutors for the United States Department of Justice released a letter on Monday in which Ryan Routh admitted he intended to assassinate President Donald Trump. He offered $150,000 to anyone who “can complete the job.”

The handwritten letter reads:

Dear World,

This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, but I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job.

Months old: The letter was found in a box Routh gave to an unidentified witness “several months prior” to his arrest on September 15, according to the court filing.

The witness allegedly first opened the box after Routh was arrested and found the bounty letter along with ammunition, a metal pipe, miscellaneous building materials, tools, four phones and other various letters.

The unnamed witness told authorities about the box on September 18.

Democratic rhetoric: In his letter, Routh repeated rhetoric used by Democrats to degrade President Trump, such as saying President Trump is “unfit to be anything, much less a U.S. president.”

U.S. presidents must at bare minimum embody the moral fabric that is America and be kind, caring and selfless and always stand for humanity. Trump fails to understand.
—Ryan Routh

Routh also blamed the situation in the Middle East on President Trump ending relations with Iran.

Other findings: Monday’s court filing also revealed other findings from the investigation:

  • Routh’s cell phones contained Google searches of how to get from Palm Beach County to Mexico.
  • Routh had a handwritten list of dates and venues President Trump was expected to appear at.
  • In a self-published book from February 2023, Routh encouraged Iran to murder President Trump, writing: “You are free to assassinate Trump as well as me for that error in judgment and the dismantling of the deal.”

Divine protection: President Trump has survived two assassination attempts, but there are still enemies who would like to take him out. It is a miracle he is still alive.

Learn more: Read Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s article “Why God Is Protecting Donald Trump.”

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