Guttenberg: Trump Only Understands the ‘Language of Strength’
Preparing for Donald Trump’s return to the White House is a big topic in Germany. Because the United States is still the number one superpower, some are wondering if Germany should kowtow to Trump to improve relations. This question was presented to former German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg during a live podcast with Gregor Gysi on November 16.
Risk of trade war: Guttenberg had a clear answer:
No, not at all …. Trump understands exactly one language and that is the language of strength. … We have to make our interests so clear that we can address him in a way that makes it clear to him that if he simply tries to roll over us now, there could be countermeasures.
Let me give you an example: He is threatening us with tariffs, he is threatening the Chinese in particular with comprehensive tariffs of 60 percent. Then, in some of his deep intellectual campaign speeches, he also talked about 100 and 200 and 300 percent. But the 60 percent against the Chinese is anything but unlikely, perhaps they will agree on 50 or 40. The question is, Will he want to provoke a trade war? I have my doubts about that. I think he is more interested in making a deal in the so-called endgame at the end. …
He’s a dealmaker, but he’s only a dealmaker who is ultimately willing to compromise if he doesn’t smell weakness. If he has a talent, which is not just a particularly likeable one, then it is to smell when someone is afraid, to smell when someone starts to sweat under their armpits, and that is his moment, and that is why courting him is the wrong thing to do.
Trans-Atlantic relationship: Guttenberg also noted that the trans-Atlantic relationship needs to survive a Trump presidency. For this reason, it is important to work closely with others in the U.S. He concluded:
The U.S.A. will still exist in four years’ time and there will probably be a completely new government and against this backdrop it is crucial that we position ourselves so strongly here that we can show an edge and that is why kowtowing to Donald Trump is the stupidest of all decisions you can make.
German strongman: Germany and Europe lack a leader to “position” the Continent “so strongly.” For this reason, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry believes Guttenberg may return to politics rather quickly. In “After Trump’s Victory, Watch Germany,” he wrote:
Donald Trump certainly provokes a fierce response from Guttenberg. One thing that has caught my attention about Guttenberg since 2016 is how often he uses public speaking opportunities to attack and insult Trump. …
Could Germany’s state of weakness combined with Guttenberg’s hatred of the “blond bully” back in the White House prompt him to return to politics?
Mr. Flurry detailed various prophecies that show a strong leader is about to rise out of the heart of Europe. One of these prophecies is recorded in Daniel 8:23: “And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.”
This no doubt refers to an unusually strong leader, which Guttenberg is calling for and may himself become.
To learn more, read “After Trump’s Victory, Watch Germany.”