Britain: Member of Parliament Attacks Nation
“Not since Caligula made his horse a minister has there been a more inappropriate appointment as the appointment of Tony Blair as the peace envoy to the Middle East. He’s dripping with the blood of the people of Iraq, of the people of Palestine, of the people of Lebanon ….
“[I]n this case, the victims of terrorism are called the terrorists, and the terrorists are called the victims of terrorism. This terrorist state of Israel parades around the world as a legitimate government, being received as such even in some Arab countries, whilst Hamas, elected by the people of Palestine, are called terrorists, who must be starved and beaten into submission. …
“[A]ll my life I believed that Palestine could be liberated by the Kalashnikov and the armed struggle alone. This was a mistake. We need the Kalashnikov. We need the armed struggle. This is the hammer. But we need also an anvil … and that anvil has to be mass movements of the population, of the people. The most inspiring event, of the last—we can say—40 years, since Karameh, was when the people of Gaza, with their bare hands, in their thousands tore down the walls of their prison, and poured out of the siege into Egypt.”
These are not the words of some crazed Islamist imam. They came from a British member of Parliament. George Galloway, nicknamed the mp for Baghdad North, was speaking to a packed crowd in Jordan.
Galloway is known for his controversial views. In his autobiography, he expressed support for Iraq in the first Gulf War by stating that Kuwait is “clearly a part of the greater Iraqi whole stolen from the motherland by perfidious Albion.”
To Saddam Hussein he said in 1994, “I greet you, too, in the name of the Palestinian people. I thought the president would appreciate to know that even today, three years after the war, I still meet families who are calling their newborn sons Saddam. I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability. And I want you to know that we are with you until victory, until victory, until Jerusalem” (Times, Jan. 20, 1994). He insists that this quote is taken out of context.
Iraq isn’t the only dictatorship Galloway approves of. “I am on the anti-imperialist left,” he said. “If you are asking did I support the Soviet Union, yes I did. Yes, I did support the Soviet Union, and I think the disappearance of the Soviet Union is the biggest catastrophe of my life. If there was a Soviet Union today, we would not be having this conversation about plunging into a new war in the Middle East, and the U.S. would not be rampaging around the globe.”
Galloway subscribes to the most lethal ideology of the 20th century—the ideology that, according to The Black Book of Communism, inspired the ussr to murder 20 million people. Communism killed nearly 100 million worldwide.
Galloway has also been implicated in the oil-for-food scandal. And in his spare time, he pretends to be a cat on reality tv.
Galloway is not the only politician known for these kinds of remarks. Former mp and former Mayor of London Ken Livingston has made some equally shocking statements. On U.S. President George Bush, he said, “I actually think that Bush is the greatest threat to life on this planet that we’ve most probably ever seen. The policies he is initiating will doom us to extinction.” About the U.S. government, he said, “This really is a completely unsupportable government and I look forward to it being overthrown as much as I looked forward to Saddam Hussein being overthrown.”
He is also a vocal critic of Israel: “Today the Israeli government continues seizures of Palestinian land for settlements, military incursions into surrounding countries and denial of the right of Palestinians expelled by terror to return. Ariel Sharon, Israel’s prime minister, is a war criminal who should be in prison.”
Livingston is also a communist. “One thing that Chairman Mao did was to end the appalling foot binding of women,” he said. “That alone justifies the Mao Tse-tung era.” Communism in China killed 65 million people. Livingston was also a staunch supporter of Fidel Castro in Cuba.
Both of these British leaders are ashamed of Britain’s past. They support Britain’s enemies.
The most shocking thing about these politicians, though, isn’t what they say. It’s that they are in office at all. They sound like far-right imams, yet they are prominent politicians. They have been voted into office—they are supported by many people (though Livingston recently lost London’s mayoral elections).
Why so much self-hatred inside Britain?
Britain’s pride has been broken. Without this, the nation’s power means nothing. With politicians and a public that hate her, she is impotent and defenseless.
The people of Britain do not know what made them great. Britain was sustained by miracles. Now she is going down. This self-loathing and broken pride are actually a curse from God.
To find out about Britain’s fate, its inspiring past, and its even more inspiring future, read our book The United States and Britain in Prophecy.