Britain to Legalize Homosexual ‘Marriage’
The British government plans to introduce homosexual “marriages” before the next election in 2015, Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone announced at the Liberal Democratic party annual conference September 17.
“Conservative” Prime Minister David Cameron personally intervened to promote the new proposals. “‘He was very keen to press ahead on this,” said an anonymous source from 10 Downing Street. “This is something that the prime minister has taken a strong personal interest in.”
The government will begin consultations over the issue next March. Homosexuals in Britain have been able to form civil partnerships since December 2005, which gives them similar rights to married couples. The government also plans to allow homosexuals to hold civil partnership ceremonies in churches.
“We are a world leader for gay rights, but as this conference made clear last year with your call for equal marriage, there is still more that we must do,” said Feathersone. “That is why I am delighted to announce today that in March, this government will begin a formal consultation on how to implement equal civil marriage for same-sex couples.”
The fact that a Conservative prime minister is pushing for homosexual “marriage” shows how radically left wing Britain has become. Cameron has often supported homosexuals, and even apologized for legislation introduced by former Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher that banned homosexual propaganda from schools.
Cameron says he supports marriage and family, but believes that strong families make a strong society because they involve responsibility and commitment. He argues that homosexual “marriages” would also require the same virtues and therefore are good for society.
He misses the fact that God created marriage and family as the only stable way to build a society and to teach man about his relationship with his spiritual Father.
God designed marriage for an awesome purpose—something a homosexual relationship can never fulfill. For more information, see our article “Why Same-Sex Marriage Will Always Be Illegal.”