America Needs New Leadership
As if we needed reminding, today’s headlines plainly reveal that man is simply not qualified to rule this Earth. The Associated Press offered this blunt assessment of President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night: “Obama pushes plans that flopped before.”
One of his plans is for Congress to use half the money America “saves” by pulling out of Iraq to pay down the debt—as if a slight reduction in deficit spending somehow creates piles of cash that can solve a debt crisis that has exploded under Mr. Obama’s watch.
During the speech, the president also lashed out at critics who believe America is headed in the wrong direction. “Anyone who tells you that America is in decline or that our influence has waned doesn’t know what they’re talking about,” he said. To support this assertion, Mr. Obama listed several international cities that have favorable opinions of America.
None of the cities mentioned, however, are anywhere near the Middle East, where anti-American fervor has radically transformed the entire region in a matter of months. One year ago today, as Caroline Glick wrote earlier this week, most Middle Eastern states, for the most part, were strategically aligned with the United States. Today, however, the Muslim Brotherhood is the ruling party in the Egyptian parliament, al Qaeda’s on the march in Yemen, Islamist forces have the upper hand in Libya, Iran has filled the power void in Iraq and the general populace in Turkey, Pakistan and Jordan all view the United States much less favorably than it did a year ago.
The biggest loser by far in the so-called Arab Spring is clearly the United States of America. U.S. interests in the region have been massively crippled over the past year.
For this reason and many others, much of America seems anxious to replace Mr. Obama with someone else. But examining the list of possible replacements is like facing a terminal illness, concludes columnist Bret Stephens. “There may be an apparent range of treatments: conventional (Romney), experimental (Gingrich), homeopathic (Paul) or prayerful (Santorum). But none will avail you in the end” (emphasis added throughout).
There is, to paraphrase the words of the Prophet Jeremiah, no hope in man!
Yet, despite the widespread political, social and economic turmoil man has brought upon himself—and despite his best attempts to recycle policies that have repeatedly failed—there is good news ahead for America and the rest of the world. Jesus Christ will soon return to rule this Earth! His kingly reign is much nearer than many believe. And quite unlike the leaders of this present evil world, Jesus Christ is perfectly qualified for the monumental task this world is facing!
At Christ’s first coming, many people of Judea and Samaria actually wanted to make Jesus king right then and there. To set their thinking straight, Jesus gave a parable, recorded in Luke 19:11-27, to explain when the Kingdom of God would be set up on Earth. In the story, a certain nobleman goes to a far country to receive a kingdom and then returns.
For those who believe their Bibles, the meaning could not be more clear. Jesus is represented as the nobleman. He ascended to heaven after His resurrection in order to receive the authority from God to rule the nations of this Earth. His rule will begin the moment He returns to Jerusalem—a world-shaking event that is thoroughly explained in dozens of Bible prophecies (read all of Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19).
Revelation 11:15 says when the seventh trumpet sounds, the kingdoms of this world will become the “kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” In chapter 14, verse 14, it says Christ will wear a “golden crown” when He returns. And in Revelation 19:16, He is described as “King of kings, and Lord of lords.”
Yes, the resurrected Jesus Christ is the only world leader truly qualified to bring obedience, peace and prosperity to this sin-laden, war-torn planet. He’s the only ruler capable of making the long-sought-after utopia a reality.
But this doesn’t mean He will rule alone, without assistance from a trained administration ruling underneath His kingly office. Notice that verse in Revelation 19 says Jesus will be King over other kings and Lord over other lords. The Bible reveals that there will be many other world leaders ruling with and under Jesus Christ when the Kingdom of God is set up on Earth. These are the saints of the Most High God! And their reign is also described in numerous biblical passages.
In the book of Daniel, Jesus Christ’s coronation—which takes place in heaven just before He returns—is described in chapter 7, verses 13-14. In that same chapter, the prophet adds that God will give His Kingdom to the saints of the Most High and they will possess that Kingdom forever (verses 18, 22, 27).
As difficult as this is for most people to believe, God’s Word says if true Christians overcome as Jesus Christ did, then they will sit with Jesus Christ on His throne in Jerusalem even as He now sits with God on God’s heavenly throne (Revelation 3:21).
Notice what God also inspired the Apostle John to write in Revelation 2:26: “And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations.” In other words, God has called true Christians out of this world to be trained as the future leaders of tomorrow’s world!
That’s what these often-ignored or grossly misunderstood Bible passages actually reveal! If we forsake the ways of sin and exercise self-control in bringing our lives into subjection underneath God’s holy law of love (1 Corinthians 9:25-27)—if we overcome the way of sin and endure to the end of this present evil age—God promises us rulership in the Kingdom of God forever!