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Netanyahu: The Last Defense Against a Deal With Iran


Netanyahu: The Last Defense Against a Deal With Iran

Why the Israeli leader is willing to defy President Obama

As the March deadline for a nuclear deal approaches, questions are again raised about the merits of making a deal with Iran. On one side stands the Obama administration—champion of a deal. On the other side is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu—unequivocally the most vocal opponent to a bad deal.

Netanyahu argues that a deal with Iran will likely allow it to maintain its nuclear infrastructure, meaning Iran could still manufacture nuclear weapons if it wishes. The Israeli prime minister believes that any deal reached should require Iran to tear down its infrastructure—a move Iran will never agree to.

Netanyahu has been a staunch defender of this position ever since negotiations began in November 2013. Yet since that time, he has enjoyed little support from the international community. And from Washington—a historic ally—there has been clear and evident hostility.

The reason for much of the negativity stems from United States President Barack Obama’s lack of regard for his allies while attempting to build a relationship with long-standing enemy Iran. This approach has led to the president butting heads with Netanyahu as the two voice their disagreements.

The Trumpet has written extensively on the dangers posed by a deal with Iran. For more on this subject, read “Caspian Horses and Nuclear Reactors” and “The Geneva Deal Is Worse Than You Know.”

The U.S. administration is employing a variety of tactics to undermine the Israeli prime minister and ensure that his message is as ineffectual as possible.
Netanyahu is very much alone. But armed with years of experience and arguably placed in the best geographic position to argue a case against Iran, Netanyahu’s Israel presents a very strong case against President Obama and his new friends in Iran.

As such, if the Obama administration is to be uncontested as it pushes through a deal, Netanyahu must be silenced. And unfortunately for President Obama, Netanyahu is set to address the U.S. Congress on March 3 and again at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference. These speeches are being heralded as Netanyahu’s chief effort to derail a looming nuclear deal.

As such, the U.S. administration is employing a variety of tactics to undermine the Israeli prime minister and ensure that his message is as ineffectual as possible.

Firstly, the speech will be boycotted by a number of U.S. officials. Neither President Obama nor Vice President Joe Biden will be in attendance. The president also said he would not meet with Mr. Netanyahu because Israel’s elections are so close. It is a thinly veiled cold shoulder by both the president and vice president. A number of liberal congressmen and congresswomen have also voiced objections to Netanyahu’s speech, saying they will not be in attendance.

The administration has also been slinging mud at the prime minister. Many have labeled him as “divisive” and reckless in his plans to speak before Congress. The administration would prefer that Netanyahu take the podium as a perceived “Chicken Little” rather than as a leader trying desperately to defend his country.

For the Obama administration, what it really boils down to is a fear of what Netanyahu may achieve. Israeli reporter Caroline Glick stated, “More than anything, [President Obama’s actions] expose a deep-seated fear that Netanyahu will be successful in exposing the grave danger that Obama’s policies toward Iran and toward the Islamic world in general pose to the global security.”

Netanyahu has a real chance to present his side of the argument come March. But Washington will not see its agenda so easily scuttled. Even if Netanyahu gives a powerful speech and manages to convince a few, ultimately he will still have to remain the face of the opposition. And the Israeli elections are just around the corner on March 17. If Netanyahu is defeated by his chief rival, Isaac Herzog, Israel will undoubtedly align itself quickly with Washington.

As Glick noted in her article, the U.S. has already hinted at its desire to topple Netanyahu. Speaking before the Trilateral Commission, Secretary of State John Kerry threatened that Israel was destined to be an apartheid state if more concessions were not made to the Palestinians. He said, “If there is a change of government [in Israel], or a change of heart, something will happen.”

Mr. Obama’s own national field director for his 2012 campaign, Jeremy Bird, is now working for an Israel-based group called V15. The lobby group is profoundly anti-Netanyahu. The fact that Mr. Obama has allowed Bird to fill the role shows he has no qualms about toppling Netanyahu.

The danger of such an eventuality should shake the Western world—particularly Israel. If Netanyahu is removed, the mouthpiece of opposition will be stifled. No doubt some Republicans will seek to oppose President Obama’s deals, but they can’t be heard on an international level like Netanyahu can.

President Obama’s own national field director for his 2012 campaign, Jeremy Bird, is now working for an Israel-based group called V15, which is profoundly anti-Netanyahu.
Without Netanyahu, the way would be clear for Mr. Obama to charge ahead with whatever deals he pleases with Iran.

A voice of opposition is vital, particularly in a situation where Iran’s nuclear capabilities are on the line. As the Obama administration continues to acquiesce to Iranian demands and pushes for a deal—even when it means isolating allies and ignoring history—someone needs to be a counterweight. Right now that obligation has fallen on Netanyahu.

Israel would be the first to feel the brunt of an Iranian attack. The prime minister has seen firsthand the deluge of hatred emanating from Israel’s neighbors. The idea of a nuclear enemy in the Middle East would be totally untenable for the little nation.

As dangerous as a nuclear deal may look today, it would be far worse without a strong voice of opposition. And don’t think this only affects a tiny nation in the Middle East—this concerns the whole world! Notice what Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry said in his Key of David program titled “Why You Must Watch Jerusalem.”

Mr. Netanyahu is coming here to speak before Congress, he wants to talk to the world really about a massive danger—not only to Israel, but to this entire planet. And he is very passionate about it. You will see that when he comes here in March, I’m sure. He will be talking about the number one problem facing humanity, which is that of human survival.

This affects us all!

Mr. Flurry continues:

[M]an is about to destroy all human life off this planet! Is there anything more urgent than that? I tell you, if you listen to Mr. Netanyahu’s speech I think you’ll get a lot of that from it, and I hope that you will listen to it when he speaks in March because it is something that this whole world needs to be listening to.

This pivotal speech by the loudest opponent to a nuclear deal is about to take place. Watch as the Obama administration does everything in its power to discredit and undermine that speech and ultimately silence any opposition to a nuclear deal.

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