Egypt-Iran Alliance Prophesied
Fars News Agency labels itself a leading independent news agency in Iran. It has three times the Internet traffic as the Jerusalem Post, so it’s a popular site in the Middle East. Fars recently used most of an article we posted on our website two weeks ago, titled, “Egypt and Iran Stride Toward Full Diplomatic Ties.” I thought it was interesting that it included this portion of our article:
Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has predicted for over 13 years that Iran would be the king of the Middle East, and that we would witness an alliance take place between Iran and Egypt. “Daniel 11:42 implies that Egypt will be allied with the king of the south, or Iran. … This prophecy indicates that there would be a radical change in Egyptian politics.”
We have prophesied for over 13 years that Iran would head up the “king of the south.” And we have also prophesied that the Iranian power would ally itself with Egypt. How did we know that? Because God said so in His Bible—something you can prove.
There has been a radical change in Egyptian politics. The book of Daniel talks about that change. Daniel tells us there is going to be a king of the south. He went on to prophesy that king of the south would ally himself with Egypt in this end time. We have a King of the South booklet that will explain this to you.
In the 1970s, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was leading the whole Middle East toward peace with the West. He even made an appearance in the Israeli Knesset, which shocked the whole world—especially the Arab world. That act enraged a lot of the Arab people, which led the radical Islamic movement to assassinate Sadat. Many authorities will tell you Iran engineered the assassination. This shocking event had repercussions around the world; it bitterly divided Egypt and Iran.
In spite of all these events, the book of Daniel prophesies that Egypt and Iran would become very close allies in this end time. “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over” (Daniel 11:40).
This prophecy is for “the time of the end”—right now! The king of the south is pushing and pushing and pushing. That’s what its foreign policy is all about. Today, it’s pushing against America in a number of ways. U.S. General David Petraeus recently said Iran is fighting a proxy war against the United States. In other words, it has an army in Iraq fighting against us and we’re too afraid, it appears, to do anything about it. This is the king of the south. It continually pushes, the way a king often does when he wants to gain control of a region. Iran wants to gain control of the entire Middle East. We have to look at its pushy foreign policy and see where it is leading. It is prophesied to push at yet another power—not the U.S., but a European power, the king of the north. Daniel says this king of the north is going to come against the king of the south like a whirlwind and conquer it.
Egypt happens to be one of the allies of the king of the south, and that forebodes a lot of bad news for the Egyptians. Notice: “He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape” (verse 42). The land of Egypt is not going to escape. Why would this king of the north, this European power, want to conquer Egypt or at least have virtual control over it? Why would that be necessary when it goes into the Middle East unless Egypt was allied with the king of the south, or Iran? Just a little reading between the lines here makes it pretty obvious what this scripture means.
I wrote in The King of the South, “Daniel 11:42 implies that Egypt will be allied with the king of the south, or Iran. This prophecy indicates that there would be a far-reaching change in Egyptian politics! It is happening before our eyes in this end time, and it is mainly because of Iran’s ‘push’ toward radical Islam.”
So for 13 years we have prophesied that there would be a radical change in Egyptian politics. How could we know that? Notice what we wrote on December 17 (in the same article that Fars used):
Last week, Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein Derar made the first official visit by an Egyptian official to Iran since diplomatic ties between the two countries were severed in 1979. On Wednesday, Derar met with Iran’s foreign minister in Tehran to discuss bilateral relations between Egypt and Iran, as well as regional and international issues.
This meeting is further evidence of ongoing efforts between Cairo and Tehran to rejuvenate official relations, which were further damaged when Iranian-backed Khaled al-Islambouli assassinated Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981. … Although full diplomatic ties have yet to be officially restored, there is no doubt the relationship is heating up. On Tuesday, the day before Derar’s visit to Tehran, Ahmadinejad stressed that “Iran and Egypt are two brotherly nations.” He noted that now that Egypt and Iran are enjoying cultural and economic relationships, only full political ties have to be restored to “pave the grounds for massive cooperation.”
What is happening there? That is prophecy being fulfilled as we have been saying now for 13 years! Ahmadinejad himself has expressed his desire to visit Egypt as soon as full diplomatic ties are restored. As we wrote,
Such an event would represent a sea change in the Middle East: It would augment Iran as the king of the region, perhaps complicate American foreign policy in the region, and strategically handicap Israel. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has been the primary force keeping Egypt secular and relatively moderate for the past generation. Yet, at age 79 and with failing health, the question of what lies ahead for Egypt is coming into sharper focus.
If the Fars News Agency is interested and curious about what the Bible prophesies for the Middle East and the whole world, shouldn’t you be? These are prophecies in your Bible that are being fulfilled right now.
Iranian President Ahmadinejad said earlier this year, “We are determined to pursue normalization of relations with Egypt, and if the Egyptian government declares its readiness, before the working hour is over today, we are willing to open Iran’s embassy in Cairo.” Just yesterday, at a press conference in Cairo, the head of Iran’s National Security Council said that Iran was willing to help Egypt produce nuclear energy. Events are moving at a greatly accelerated pace! Earlier this year, June 5, theTrumpet.com wrote,
The moderate government in Egypt is being threatened by a popular and growing Iranian-aligned, anti-American, radical Islamist movement. In fact, we expect the most radical elements within Egypt to assume control and directly ally themselves with Iran. This worst-case scenario for the U.S. is just what the Bible prophesied will occur soon.
We know the radical Islamic movement in Egypt is certainly going to have a lot of influence in Egyptian politics; and it’s going to swing that nation toward Iran. Ultimately, that means bad news for Egypt because of what the final outcome will be.
Daniel was written over 2,500 years ago. God knew Egypt would retain its same name that it had almost from the beginning and that it would ally itself with Iran! That’s something to get excited about, because one of the foundational proofs of the Bible being God’s Word is fulfilled prophecy! We write about fulfilled prophecy time and time again on theTrumpet.com.
For more information about the history and prophecy of Daniel 11, read our free booklet The King of the South.