Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

Why Nov. 9, 1989, was memorable, even to an 11-year-old on the bottom side of the planet.

There is hope amid the hopelessness.

A voice of warning from 1989 is about to prove especially farsighted.

A terrorist attack would transform the country.

Pope Benedict XVI has succeeded where Guy Fawkes failed.

And neither are you.

There’s only one way it can be achieved.

We ignore them at our own peril.

Despite the Obama administration’s efforts, anti-Americanism among Islamic states is unrelenting.

A powerful historical example tells us why.

Just as Herbert Armstrong warned it would.

America is in the fast lane toward destruction.

Events will soon vindicate Margaret Thatcher.

An Islamic terrorist attack transformed Spain’s political landscape in 2004. Could an attack do the same in Germany?

America’s wispy presence at this week’s 70th-anniversary commemoration of the start of World War II did not go unnoticed.

Abortion is becoming birth control. How can we stop this?

What it means for the future of Europe and the world.

We got a glimpse of the answer last week.

The missing freighter has been located, but we’re still searching for the truth.

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