Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

This is a slightly updated version of an article that originally appeared in 2012.

Muslim migrants are flooding Germany with problems. German leaders want to cover it up; German citizens want different leaders

How many other German leaders think like Joschka Fischer?

Those who underestimate Russia’s Vladimir Putin do so at their peril.

A growing number of Germans are angry and feel betrayed. How will they respond?

Germany’s government and mainstream media aren’t being totally honest with the German people on the migrant issue, and the consequences will be disastrous for Merkel, Germany and the world.

Those who underestimate Russia’s Vladimir Putin do so at their peril.

Will the shocking massacre in France by Islamist terrorists reawaken Europe’s crusading spirit?

How the incredible history of a Persian king can change your view of the Bible

The refugee crisis is precipitating a transformative identity crisis in Europe.

The success of a newly released film in which Adolf Hitler is resurrected and returns to Germany reveals a sobering reality.

The West dangerously underestimates Vladimir Putin.

How would Germany respond if Hitler were alive today?

The surge of crises in Europe is about to dramatically change the Continent’s political landscape.

How the Trumpet knew its alliance with Iran would fail

This is about something that goes far beyond the man.

In five years’ time, Britain could be led by a terrorist-sympathizing, anti-military, openly socialist, monarchy-hating, radical-leftist prime minister.

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