Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

This traditional virtue isn’t an old-fashioned relic; it’s a 21st-century solution.

Two years ago, he was editor in chief of Turkey’s largest newspaper. Today he considers himself lucky that he’s driving for Uber and not sitting in a Turkish jail like dozens of his colleagues. This is life for those who oppose strong-arm tactics of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

From the Maker of husbands and wives

The process of Brexit is proving messy, but it turns out that separating from the bureaucratic bloat of Europe is a good thing.

Seven of our excavators returned after working an 11-week archaeological excavation with Dr. Eilat Mazar in Jerusalem and came into our studio and told me all about it.

Recognize the real significance of the historic infighting consuming the United States government.

Understand the shameful truth of what led up to this tragedy, and you will better see how you can protect yourself from being the next victim.

Many people—maybe even you—are perpetuating this surprisingly modern and surprisingly pervasive evil.

Don’t make up your own morals: Be a moron like me.

A law that can change your relationships

She once welcomed migrants with open arms. Then she realized she was being lied to, and that her native Germany is fighting for its survival.

Or, why the Trumpet is important in a world of unreliable media.

Understand the shameful truth of what led up to this tragedy, and you will better see how you can protect yourself from being the next victim.

More than 35 million Americans are on antidepressants. This means that severe side effects are likely affecting thousands of people.

An inspiring incident in a Dallas middle school shows the need for fathers.

Please take this lesson from Robert Mueller’s investigation to heart.

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