Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

It’s filling a vital need—but highlighting some wicked greed.

‘Take a hike and take your intolerance with you.’ How’s that for irony?

Do you recognize demon possession when you see it?

The trend of mobs of black youths committing crimes is growing. Authorities are helping no one by pretending it doesn’t exist.

The world is sexualizing our children. We have to protect them. Let our girls be girls.

Thanks to their interpretation of the Mayan calendar, many people think the world will end on December 21, 2012. What is the basis of their faith?

How does Iran respond to America’s and Europe’s economic pressure? By threatening to blockade Hormuz and test-launching missiles that can hit Israel.

Silencing dissenting priests, clamping down on errant nuns—Pope Benedict XVI is pointing the way forward for the Roman Catholic Church.

Do you know the vital dimension to news watching that helps you separate what’s important from what isn’t?

Once again, the Constitution is trampled.

Do you recognize demon possession when you see it?

Another chilling example of the desensitizing effects of our abortion culture

People seem to be getting ready for crime and riots to explode—by arming themselves to the teeth.

In trying to reduce unemployment, government handouts boost it. In trying to alleviate single parenthood, welfare checks encourage it. The reason for this failure is clear—and preventable.

The cost of keeping pace in a caffeinated culture

Conditions on the Continent are ripe for the rise of a dictator.

Silencing dissenting priests, clamping down on errant nuns—Pope Benedict XVI is pointing the way forward for the Roman Catholic Church.

It’s going to get worse before it gets better, but these former superpowers have another day in the sun coming.

A valuable, and often underused, asset.

This blood-soaked region is descending into violence once again. This time it threatens to explode well beyond national borders.

Racial division, Fast and Furious, Secret Service scandal, unwed parents and other explicit scenes of lunacy.

Signs loom that we are nearing a crossroads: Demand for the stuff that fuels modern life is outpacing supply. Things could get ugly, fast.

Every time a lottery ticket is purchased, there are problems on both sides of the exchange.

Bashar al-Assad is cracking down harder than ever. Who’s to stop him?

The government’s new health-care mandate is a stunning assault against the Constitution, against freedom of religion, against conscience, against life.

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