Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

Amid economic woes, America’s military cutbacks will have nasty consequences.

Do you love your children? Really?

America’s government is working feverishly to redefine family.

Bible-based wisdom on bringing up boys

Remember this Trumpet headline—from 1994.

You’ll never be a success without drive.

Read. Stop. Ponder.

The danger in the ruling against Proposition 8

Britain’s “Euroskeptic” prime minister seems to be folding under pressure from Europe.

Good is evil, sin is virtue, left is right, war is peace. Has the world gone mad?

It will help him make it to manhood with his head high.

Fill the pig trough with free money from the government, and you’ll have no shortage of swine.

The leadership in Tehran is being devoured by a violent Islamic military movement.

America’s government is working feverishly to redefine family.

When will the nightmare in the Gulf stop? Why are unprecedented disasters multiplying?

Reap the rich rewards of regular family Bible study.

Western liberals say America’s system is broken and the government needs more power. Guess who agrees.

Felipe Calderón is right.

More evidence that the world has lost its mind

Turkey’s leaders have jammed a stake into the heart of their alliance with Israel. Here’s why it was inevitable.

The unstoppable mess in the Gulf is exposing the powerlessness of America’s leadership—and the weakness of what was once “the indispensable nation.”

President Obama wants to “shape an international order.” Look out.

There’s a unique creature in my home. What to do?

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