Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

Good is evil, sin is virtue, left is right, war is peace.

Why can’t some Americans catch a break?

The fascinating power politics behind an overlooked coup in Central Asia

A beautiful truth that the divorce industry cannot teach you.

Males are missing some vital education.

America’s Afghanistan policy is a confusing mess.

The fascinating power politics behind an overlooked coup in Central Asia

It’s all a question of whom you love.

Signs that Britain will give up Dover

What the divorce industry can’t teach you.

Once again, it’s all about Jerusalem.

Meet tomorrow’s workforce: Materialistic young people who hate hard work and think “the world owes them a living.”

Remember the Plain Truth’s accurate forecasting.

Don’t miss this key lesson from the economic crisis.

A law that can change your relationships

Watch Iraq’s coming vote. Iran’s plan to dominate its neighbor is becoming reality.

The rumors of Britain giving up Dover are plenty to be concerned about.

Khomeini would be proud.

Or you’ll miss an important lesson.

Does history indicate an even bigger crash coming?

Consistent forecasts of America’s fate

A law that can change your relationships

Israel’s first stab at tough diplomacy ends in humiliation.

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