Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

Terrorists are creating a new haven in the Arabian Peninsula. Why won’t America do a thing about it?

Buried by problems—pirates, yobs, boozing, bankruptcy, Islamists, gelding by Europe—Britain is suffering more than just a run of bad luck.

Anticipating the end of life as we know it

There’s something wonderful we as parents need to protect in our children.

A disagreement over the answer exposes a real problem in America’s military.

Endorsing Palestinian statehood, freezing settlements, negotiating with Hamas—is this the man Israelis thought they were electing?

A midnight van run that illustrates a prophecy being fulfilled

For 20 years, the Trumpet has consistently forecast America’s fate.

The White House’s new Afghanistan strategy is revealed: It will send 30,000 soldiers to the wrong place.

The decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed as an American civilian fulfills a biblical prophecy.

Armchair fantasy soldiers are multiplying. Fat lot of good that does.

Our leaders are willfully blind to this jihadist act—among other things.

Anticipating the end of the world as we know it

Recapture etiquette … and family time.

Rather than going after terrorists, Washington is attacking the CIA.

Britain’s moment of decision over Europe moves closer.

“The American era is ending. We must prepare for a new era in which Islamic forces set the agenda.”

As parents, we need to protect our children’s innocence.

Evidence of a Creator

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