Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

Germans want a politician who inspires them. Biblical prophecy says they’ll get their wish.

Iran: We’re not backing down “one iota”! Racial tension heats up in America; and why the oceans are filling up with jellyfish!

Peering through the new WorldWide Telescope provides an unparalleled view of our cosmos.

The world is pretending that Lebanon is on path to stability. The reality is that Iran is now in control. Will its next conquest be the West Bank?

The fact that the EU is abandoning democracy should alarm us all.

Handing Iraq to Iran, the Obama obsession and America’s “mental” recession; plus, introducing sharia law for bicycle theft!

God commands you to use it! Here is some practical help for conquering life’s obstacles in order to reap the rich rewards of regular family Bible study.

Lessons we can extract from demographics data

Conflicting reports of war games and peace deals have observers drawing wild conclusions. Here’s how to make sense of it.

A constitutional crisis will set back Turkey’s petition for EU membership. But does Europe have to be so sanctimonious about it?

Flooding in the Midwest, fires on the West Coast. We are witnessing record disaster levels. What can we do about it?

Exposing the empty, violent, seedy wasteland that is substance abuse.

Do you know the vital dimension to news watching that helps you separate what’s important from what isn’t?

California’s judges are forcing the issue down our throats. Here’s why it’s a tragedy.

Many are hailing a recent political agreement as a step toward stability in Lebanon. The reality is the opposite.

Global civil unrest over skyrocketing food prices gives us an unpleasant glimpse at what human nature can do.

A view of American democracy from higher up

Peering through the new WorldWide Telescope provides an unparalleled view of our cosmos.

The race issue in America is getting edgy. Expect a visit from Dr. Diène to make things worse.

Iran has strangled Lebanon to fortify its position on Israel’s north—and will face no consequences.

America’s global dominance is over, and smart people say we shouldn’t have a problem with that.

A look at a nation so familiar with danger, it can’t even see it.

A view of American democracy from higher up

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