Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

Exposing the empty, violent, seedy wasteland that is substance abuse.

Do you know the vital dimension to news watching that helps you separate what’s important from what isn’t?

California’s judges are forcing the issue down our throats. Here’s why it’s a tragedy.

Many are hailing a recent political agreement as a step toward stability in Lebanon. The reality is the opposite.

Global civil unrest over skyrocketing food prices gives us an unpleasant glimpse at what human nature can do.

A view of American democracy from higher up

Peering through the new WorldWide Telescope provides an unparalleled view of our cosmos.

The race issue in America is getting edgy. Expect a visit from Dr. Diène to make things worse.

Iran has strangled Lebanon to fortify its position on Israel’s north—and will face no consequences.

America’s global dominance is over, and smart people say we shouldn’t have a problem with that.

A look at a nation so familiar with danger, it can’t even see it.

A view of American democracy from higher up

General Petraeus says Iran is behind the violence in Iraq. No surprise there: It’s been true for a generation.

Lessons from leaven

Global civil unrest over skyrocketing food prices gives us an unpleasant glimpse at what human nature can do.

The simple wisdom in not giving them everything their little hearts desire

One of the most explosively dangerous countries in the world just got a new government.

Recent rioting in Kenya could have consequences the participants aren’t considering.

A battlefront on which we have already declared defeat

Will the controversy over Barack Obama’s former pastor ignite a racial explosion?

Spring is here. The weather’s warming up. If your children just want to sit on their cans, consider this.

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