Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

Why modern advances in technology aren’t solving the world’s problems

The president’s expeditious use of his power to grant pardons and commutations is undermining America’s justice system and promoting violent crime.

And it can be yours—at no cost or obligation to you!

How America’s negligence will lead to its destruction

For three decades, Justice Antonin Scalia was on a mission to rein in a runaway Supreme Court. What does his absence mean for America?

And it can be yours—at no cost or obligation to you!

The attacks that aren’t getting as much coverage

Make the most of it.

The chain reaction will help you overcome more problems than you think.

Make the most of it.

Why so many people seek to escape reality

We’re living in urgent times. What are you doing to make the most of the time?

This weekend’s election results are the early tremors of a far larger political earthquake.

Germany is on the march—and achieving exactly what it wanted, but failed at, in two world wars.

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