Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

A look back at how God used this powerful form of mass communication to dispense the true gospel message

Why did God set apart the Sabbath as “holy”?

The existence of the material creation demands a Creator.

What is the purpose of God’s true Church today?

Lost in this controversy is the truth about the existential challenges Israel faces—past and present

Is it much ado about nothing?

The distinction between criminal and hero is quickly being erased.

What is the purpose of God’s true Church today?

How to get your children excited about God’s work

The message that got Jesus Christ killed

Why the major media gave the ‘vicar of Christ’ rave reviews during his American tour last month

The latest wave of terror sweeping across Israel portends an imminent threat to Jerusalem with global ramifications.

What is behind the latest wave of terror sweeping across Israel?

The message that got Jesus Christ killed

Why is the world ignoring violent attacks against Jews in Israel?

Britain’s prime minister believes it is—in every way

Why the world is the way it is

It would have solved all the problems of this world, had humanity heeded it

When the government of God is restored on Earth

Why the world is the way it is

Why our outrage is outrageous and dangerous

World peace is coming, but it will not be brought about by any institution of man.

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