Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

A huge door opens for God’s work in the United Kingdom.

Whether in flesh or as spirit Jesus Christ prophesies!

A huge door opens for God’s work in the United Kingdom!

The Father, the Lion, the Lamb—and you!

The Father, the Lion, the Lamb—and you!

America isn’t the only Western nation being overrun by foreign-born immigrants.

The dangers of complacency amid chaos

The wonder of God’s very majestic—and very real—government.

The wonder of God’s very majestic—and very real—government

The seventh era of God’s Church—happening right now.

The seventh era of God’s Church—happening right now.

Your most important God-given duty

The world is burning, but you wouldn’t know it judging by statements coming from the White House.

God is a Father who wants to give His children everything!

How one date and one city symbolize American power, from 2001 to 2012 to 2014

How one date and one city symbolize American power, from 2001 to 2012 to 2014

Scottish secession from the United Kingdom is a real possibility. A yes vote from the Scots could also mean trouble for Britain’s nuclear deterrent.

Scottish secession from the United Kingdom is a real possibility. A yes vote from the Scots could also mean trouble for Britain’s nuclear deterrent.

Hamas’s recipe for success: Commit terrorism, provoke a war, use human shields, cause thousands of deaths—and surge in Palestinian popularity polls.

A brief look at what the Bible says about Creation and the beginning of mankind.

Hamas’s recipe for success: Commit terrorism, provoke a war, use human shields, cause thousands of deaths—and surge in Palestinian popularity polls.

A brief look at what the Bible says about Creation and the beginning of mankind.

The story of how God’s Church went from a dilapidated hulk to an electrified powerhouse.

Two of the most dangerous places on the planet are boiling over.

The story of how God’s Church went from a dilapidated hulk to an electrified powerhouse.

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