Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

Still no answers.

Vladimir Putin humiliates the United States of America.

On August 22 the White House released President Obama’s plan to make college more affordable. Attending a university in America is more expensive than in any other nation in the world. So the White House is working on a plan to make college more affordable. But is the skyrocketing cost of college really the main crisis facing higher education today?

Last year, the day after Libyan terrorists attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and murdered four Americans, the president of the United States vowed to bring the killers to justice. Today, one year later, no one has been arrested and Libya has turned into a ruined and lawless state, allied with Iran and rabidly hostile to America.

Israel reacts to Washington’s postponement of action in Syria.

Why do so many people have a negative view of God’s law? When properly understood, God’s law is the most positive and practical thing there is.

Since becoming president, Barack Obama has loudly trumpeted the fact that he will go it alone whenever necessary to push through his radical agenda, with or without Congress. But on Saturday, instead of barreling ahead on taking military action against Syria, the president decided to pass it off to Congress. One state-run Syrian newspaper called the president’s change of heart “the start of the historic American retreat.”

When most people think about God’s law, the overall impression is generally negative. God—at least the God of the Old Testament—is often perceived as a stern, wrathful God who angrily shouts, “Thou shalt not!” But when God’s law is understood, it’s the most positive religion or philosophy there is. For every “thou shalt not,” there is an implied positive command: “thou shalt!”

Does your example lead others to God?

A situation similar to Iraq in 2003 is playing out in Syria today, but with a radically different reaction from the White House.

America’s latest strategy has done little for the Middle East.

Early on in the Arab Spring, the Obama administration portrayed Syria’s Bashar Assad and his wife Asma as a pair of progressives struggling to bring Syria into the 21st century. But now that Assad has been accused of using chemical weapons, the president and his team are desperately looking for a way to act, even without UN or Congressional approval. This is much more than a simple change in policy. The carnage in Syria is exposing the utter incompetence and blatant hypocrisy that exists in Washington and the news media’s shameless duplicity when it comes to its coverage of America’s foreign policy.

After taking office, President Barack Obama set out to redefine America’s relationship with the Muslim world. It was hailed as a ‘new beginning’—a chance to heal the breach between the United States and Islam. But today, just a little over four years later, the Middle East is in flames.

No rules, no law—no problems?

It takes intense effort on our part to obey God, but it can’t be done by human effort alone.

It’s one of the most practical ways you can help God’s work.

One of the great lessons true Christians are reminded of often during their study of God’s Word is that we must diligently work to remove sin from our lives and replace it with God’s character and nature. If we are to become a part of God’s family and receive the gift of eternal life, we must prove our obedience here and now by getting the sin out of our lives! This is our part in God’s plan.

Despite the avalanche of scandals that have pounded his administration in recent months, President Barack Obama’s radical transformation of America forges ahead.

On May 8, three highly respected State Department officials who were in Libya at the time the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was attacked on September 11 testified under oath before a House committee in Washington. Based on their sworn testimony, U.S. officials in Benghazi on that fateful night knew it was a terrorist attack from the start. But these requests for Washington to send help were rejected—basically because the White House would not accept the fact that what happened in Benghazi had been a premeditated act of terrorism.

Use God’s Word to reshape the way you think and live.

This summer, 15 of our students from Herbert W. Armstrong College have been working here in Jerusalem on the excavation at the Ophel. This particular phase of digging will wrap up over the next couple weeks—and Dr. Eilat Mazar hopes to begin the third and final phase of the Ophel dig some time in early 2014. For the past twenty or thirty years, Dr. Mazar has probably done more than any other archaeologist to shape the way the world thinks about ancient Jerusalem and the man who established this city—King David. And she’s done that by letting the Bible serve as her guidebook.

By understanding Psalm 83 and Daniel 11, we can look beyond the current chaos in Syria and know how this bloody conflict will end.

An annual Jewish observance commemorates the destruction of the first and second temples. Why did God allow the first and second temples to be destroyed?

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