Richard Palmer

Many believe this bastion of secularism will never again embrace religion. History shows otherwise.

The latest Nobel Peace Prize honors Colombia’s negotiations with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. But behind the scenes, another power is gaining great clout as a global peacemaker.

The pope is making major progress in unity with the Anglican Communion, Eastern Orthodoxy and Lutherans.

What wild and wonderful sea creatures tell us about the world and worlds beyond

How China is trying to remake the world

Deutsche Bank looks tailor-made to give Angela Merkel a headache.

The consequences of Berlin’s elections reach around the world.

It’s not about taxation—it’s about building a superstate.

Are German leaders already jockeying for position in the post-Merkel world?

Demands for it are getting louder than ever. Here is why we know it will happen.

After a string of horrifying terrorist attacks in France and Germany, Europe’s fundamental choice is unthinkable—and inescapable.

The EU’s embrace of one of the world’s most loathed leaders may be hypocritical, but it has strong strategic reasons for backing him.

Pope Francis says that Islam is a religion of peace. Many, even in the church today, say he’s wrong.

Hollande: ‘Never since World War II have democracies been so threatened.’

The time ahead will be tumultuous—but here is why Europe will emerge stronger than ever.

The UK’s decision to leave the European Union was prophesied in the Bible! What does this source of advance news say will follow?

Germany officially casts off postwar military restraint and promises to help ‘in shaping the global order.’

A series of high-profile attacks leave Germans wondering what is happening to their country, while their leaders insist everything is normal.

France must move to a real war footing if it wants to stop these attacks.

Germany’s most important bank and Italy’s entire banking system seem on the brink of total meltdown.

In the wake of Brexit, leaders from the across the Continent are calling for the EU to overhaul its military.

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