Terrorism Spills Blood on the Streets of Germany
In the last eight days, Germany has suffered four bloody attacks by men of Middle Eastern origins. The violence has shaken Germany and all of Europe, with many blaming refugee policies that allow terrorists to infiltrate the Continent.
Here’s a rundown of the recent attacks:
Even when a terrorist attack fails to kill many people, it succeeds in its goal of instilling terror and uncertainty. Germany is a nation on edge, with many waiting and wondering where and when the next attack might be. This fear and the failed refugee policy are destroying the trust between the government and the public.
What happens when the majority of Germans realize that their leaders have green-lighted policies that endanger them? What happens when the majority of Germans lose confidence and trust in mainstream leaders? Frustrated and angry, the German people, as any people would, will seek an individual, a political party, willing to heed their concerns and solve Germany’s migrant crisis. This trend is already evident in the dramatic rise of pegida and the AfD, a right-wing political party whose popularity is at all-time highs.
Many of the Germans becoming disillusioned with mainstream politics and turning to these groups are not hardcore neo-Nazis. They don’t want to persecute the migrants or see them imprisoned, beaten up or killed. They are not extremists seeking genocide. They are regular, sound-thinking, rational people, many of whom have terrific empathy for those suffering in Syria and elsewhere. These people are simply concerned about the impact millions of migrants will have on their nation, its institutions, its infrastructure, its economy, its culture and on the German people.
They are concerned about Germany’s future. But Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government refuses to give serious attention to these concerns and refuses to tell the truth about the impact the migrants are having and will have on the nation.
If she continues to do this, Germany’s chancellor risks helping transform the German people—and Germany itself—into something very different and much more frightening than the democratic, peaceful, friendly nation we see today.
The Merkel government’s handling of this situation is turning the German people into a ticking time bomb! The more disillusioned, frustrated and angry the German people become, the more vulnerable they will be to radical politics and radical leaders with radical solutions.
Don’t be deceived by the images of Germans embracing the migrants or Germany’s chancellor making the cover of Time magazine as its “Person of the Year.” All is not well in Germany. Growing numbers of people are becoming unhappier by the month, not just with the migrants, but with Chancellor Merkel and her pro-migrant friends in the government and the media.
Watch for a Change
Common sense alone tells us an explosion is coming. But the Bible specifically warns us what will be the result: a radical change in German leadership.
The book of Daniel is written specifically for the “time of the end” (Daniel 8:17; 12:4, 9). In passage after passage, it talks about a powerful leader who will shake the world. He will be the “king of the north” (Daniel 11:40), ruling over a united European power. Most likely he will be the leader of Germany, which controls the rest of the EU.
What type of man is this new leader? The Bible says that “the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god” (verse 36). He will be a “king of fierce countenance” (Daniel 8:23). He is assertive, aggressive and ambitious. He is a strong leader!
This leader shall come “understanding dark sentences” (verse 23)—or, as Clarke’s Commentary puts it, he is “very learned and skillful in all things relating to government and its intrigues.”
He is also very different from Germany’s current leader.
Angela Merkel has been one of the most popular and successful postwar German chancellors. During 2013, 2014 and the first half of 2015, her approval level generally hovered around 70 percent. She has been exactly the leader Germans have wanted. For Germans to desire this new stronger leader, there will have to be some big changes. This means more than simply being fed up with Ms. Merkel. They will begin desiring some radically different characteristics in their leaders.
Daniel 11 says that this strongman comes into power through “flatteries” (verse 21). The Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary says that “the nation shall not, by a public act, confer the kingdom on him, but he shall obtain it by artifice, ‘flattering.’” Daniel’s prophecy also says that the people “shall not give the honour of the kingdom” to this person. All this indicates that he may not come to power through normal democratic processes.
By autumn 2015, Ms. Merkel’s approval ratings had dropped to just under 50 percent. By itself that’s not terrible, but it’s a huge drop in a very short time.
The migrant crisis is creating a desire for a strong leader.
The irony is, this change in attitude is exactly what Ms. Merkel, the police and the liberal media want to avoid. Jörg Luyken noted in the Local, “Newsrooms are at one and the same time scared of appearing racist and terrified of stirring up a latent racism they believe still exists in German society” (January 5).
Nigel Jones made the same point in the Telegraph. Since the copyright of Mein Kampf expired in January, German officials have worked hard to keep the book out of people’s hands. Anyone publishing the unedited original faces prosecution on hate-crime laws. Instead, only a heavily annotated 2,000-page version is available.
“It [is] as if Germany’s rulers do not trust their own people with the ability to handle uncomfortable truths,” wrote Jones. “Whether those truths are the poisonous doctrines that once entranced the nation and led to the Holocaust and the devastation of Europe in the Second World War, or the more immediately dismaying reality that parts of German cities are no longer safe for German women to walk in because of their own government’s policies, the instinct to suppress the truth remains the same” (January 12).
Ms. Merkel and those like her see the capacity for this transformation in the German people. That is why all the cover-ups have occurred in the first place. But in trying to suppress the truth, they’re undermining Germans’ confidence in just about every part of their government, creating an even bigger backlash, and paving the way for their own destruction.