Gareth Fraser

Europe’s justice system is rapidly changing. Member states are losing power to the EU’s judicial command and control center—the European Court of Justice.

The level of tension on the Indian subcontinent, coupled with the level of firepower, makes this a uniquely dangerous region. What has brought India to its current state?And what lies ahead for the Hindu nation?

Fifty years on from Queen Elizabeth II’s ascension to the throne, what is to become of Britain’s royal line?

How four centuries of national pacifism has resulted in captivity.

July’s G-8 summit was plagued by protests—and short on answers. Is the new globalism working?

How and why the European Union is steadily influencing the economic, political, social and religious future of the greater Caribbean region

Why the Philippines is on the road to collapse

As the U.S. withdraws from unhappy East Asia, who will fill the power void?

The lure of quick, easy money is seducing millions. But is it worth the gamble?

Unrest in Macedonia is the final piece of the puzzle. Here’s how German-led Europe conquered the Balkans in just a decade.

Britain’s prophesied entry and exit from the EU

Although, since the close of the cold war, it has not been politically correct to draw attention to it, the nuclear doomsday clock continues to tick. Today, while America sleeps, European military aspirations reawaken. Will the U.S. soon face a new nuclear opponent?

Where Europe’s new rapid reaction force will ultimately lead

Why the world’s greatest superpower is also the world’s biggest drug addict

The chilling, undeniable facts of how U.S. and German companies supported the Nazis and paved the way for Germany’s third attempt at world domination

The true story behind China’s theft of U.S. nuclear weapons intelligence

The latest in a series of British money-saving policies has shot the Navy’s morale.

In our May edition, you read how Europe has planned to move south into Malta and east into Jerusalem. This month, learn the advance news of Europe’s long-planned domination of the resource-rich continent of Africa.

Why the London and Frankfurt stock markets want to merge

How Western weakness has allowed former Czechoslovakia to be dominated by the Vatican and European Union

America wants a closer trading relationship with Britain. To achieve this it needs Canada’s help. What role will Canada play in this coming Anglo-Saxon combine? In this article, we take a look at the rich history of this nation throughout the past century and show why Canada finds itself in such a precarious position right now.

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